So I quit smoking today..

by Aztec 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • Aztec

    ...and I'm feeling pretty good right now. I quit, cold turkey, this morning. It's been almost 24 hours since my last cigarette. What I'm looking for are some practical suggestions to help fight cravings without too much stuffing of my face. I'm sitting at the computer with a huge glass of ice water and I'm chewing gum as well. The worst times for me are right after meals. I have to fight the urge to keep eating instead of smoking a cigarette. So what are things I can do to keep my hands busy and keep my mind off cigarettes? I'm really serious about doing this and improving both my health and my wallet.



    Why the heck is everything highlighted?

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    My computer does that highlighting sometimes at home. I don't know why.

    Good for you! Having never smoked I can't give you any helpful advice. Do you have any nicotine cravings, or do you need to keep your hands busy? I would think being at the computer, crossword puzzles, doing your nails nightly, etc. would help get you out of the habit. But like I say I don't know for sure.

    Good luck. You ought to give yourself a treat with the money you're saving as kind of a reward for kicking the habit.


  • blondie

    Good goal, Aztec. The first 2 weeks are bad because your body is tossing off all the nicotine in your system. So hang in there.

    It is said that to break a bad habit, replace it with a good habit and that it takes at least 6 weeks to develop a good foundation for that new habit.


  • rocketman

    If you want to get rid of the background color, click on your post title to edit it, then click on the little "HTML" icon in the lower left corner of the posting box. You'll see something like </>Background Color</> at one or more spots in your text, and you can just backspace to delete it. Then just click on Submit Post. Well, that's how I do it anyway.

    Aztec, I wish you well in your endeavor to quit the smoking habit. I think the best encouragement is what you have already said - you want to improve your health (and your wallet). It will be tough, but it's worth it (I never smoked, but have family who did and they quit successfully).

  • Aztec

    Thanks! Oddly, I don't think I'm that addicted to the nicotine. I think I'm more addicted to the habitual hand to mouth activity. It was very soothing.

    Funny thing is I can taste the cigarettes more than ever! I keep brushing my teeth cause it's a weird sensation I never noticed before. Kind of like a bad tasting coating. Eww!

    I'm feeling pretty good so far, but I'm afraid to eat...LOL!


  • Brummie
    but I'm afraid to eat...LOL

    Buy a whole bunch of lettuce leaves and you'll be fine...

    Its a wise move Aztec, hope you will be able to quit permanently, the first couple of weeks are the hardest but its plain sailing after that.

    Brummie (*lights a fag*)

  • Aztec

    Thanks guys! I think I'm going to buy stock in sugarless gum...LOL

    I'm still highlighted for some reason.. I tried Rocketman, I tried.. oh wait I'm not LOL!


    PS Brummie, I've already eaten a huge bag of pretzels and a ton of celery! As long as I stick to the low fat stuff I'll be fine...

  • breal

    My two favorite replacements were licorice and straws. I cut up straws into cig sizes and played with them, chewed on them etc. Paperclips and elastics are good to have around too as anything to keep the hands busy helps. Good Luck with this. For me the first day, 3rd week and 6th week were always the toughest! (Can you tell I have quit several times - for 6-9 months each time)

  • DJ

    Hang tough are my kinda that quiz???

    Seriously, you will feel sooo good when you are past the two week mark....I'm rooting for you.

    love, dj

  • Aztec

    Breal thanks! I will add licorice to my list of things to pick up. Actually that sounds really good right now!

    DJ, LOL! I'm not really a guy, I just play one in every gender quiz I take! Rofl!



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