Yeah, this one has been under my skin for a while.
They shake a finger at "Christendom" for their infant baptisms,
claiming themselves to follow the scripture that says to "follow closely in his footsteps".
Jesus, the Jesus they claim to be footstep followers of, was baptized at 30.
Much further from infancy than the average baptismal candidate nowadays. Yet so many who are baptized as JWs are closer or just as close to infancy as they are far away from their 30's.
Why do they steer away from "Jesus' footsteps" on *this one*? What, are they footstep followers of Josiah the 8 year old king now?
And Jesus, was PERFECT, no? If he even as a PERFECT man, wasn't baptized until he really was a grown man, why do JW's push people into being baptized as children? Why do they allow children to make such an "important" decision at such a tender age?
Why are they afraid to have people wait until they are 30? Or at least until they are adults?
An excellent contradiction has been pointed out re this decision being the most important decision/commitment of their lives. Only to be told marriage is second most important and to wait until after the bloom of youth for that one.
Oh yeah, and you fathers, do not be exasperating your children. LOL.
Does anyone know if any ages were mentioned in the scriptures referencing mass baptisms back in the day?