Can you imagine a six year old getting DFed?
The society has always encouraged those considering baptism to be old enough to make a conscience decision on their own, and be old enough to realise the serious implications of baptism.
Let's suppose a six year old is caught playing "nasty" with a neighborhood friend. Mom walks in and catches them. Now mom must report this immoral behavior to the elders because this is loose conduct and a serious matter. Now little johnny has to come before a judicial committee because he is a baptised publisher....................and the story goes on.
In reality the elders would handle Johnny differently than if he were a 18 year old,....... but the point is made.
My sister was 13 when she got baptised when all you did was sit in a room with other candidates and it was conducted as a bookstudy was. You raised your hand and answered the questions. All in the room were then eligible once the study was over. She started smoking soon after that and we shunned her...( the siblings who were married at that time ). Later in her life she was told she was too young and we didn't have to treat her in this matter. They said her baptism didn't have to be viewed as valid considering her age at the time.
So what now happens when a six year old in the "truth" steals something, plays "nasty" or does anything else that is a serious matter? Do they just pass it off as they are too young? If they are too young.........then they shouldn't be getting baptised.