simply yes.
The wt denies education. Without education there is only the bottom rung of work to choose from. There is nothing ignoble about being a cleaner or window washer but it pays very poorly.
The creation of retirement insurance was created to be there for folk when they had to finish their employed work due to old age or illness or because they wished to retire and enjoy what years' they have left in fine pursuits with some measure of financial help to pay the bills along the way.
WT denies this with its endless dogma about the system ending ..."any minute now". Do we cease to pay car or house/home insurances because there is sickness in some countries, or war or financial despair in others? No.
Whereas you most likely will never be in a road accident or any of the above you WILL get old and leave work for a number of reasons. So jw without any retirement cover or very little will have a despair at paying bills or dropping their health cover for example and no creative hobby to use their spare time on.
But putting people in this desparate situation is to have them in your clutches completely hanging on every word of hope (!) you utter all the while asking them to give or their meagre funds; effectively taking the widows mite.