We tried the Jw life, it's just not practical.
Does becoming (or remaining) one of Jehovah's Witnesses result in Poverty? Pew Research results differ from Watchtower claims.
by Balaamsass2 47 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Yes, it does appear they encourage ‘child-like magical thinking’ and ‘big Daddy in the sky will provide’. They seem to be threatened by the brain that has logic and planning.
Of course, they hope nobody notices the affluent ones in the congregation and those already collecting pensions!.. But I sure as hell noticed it. The poverty pushed for me and other young people there back in the late ‘70s certainly wasn’t for these others!.. But, my “worldly” upbringing saved me and I rejected this absurdity.
As far as “adulting” (I have seen this term): when I was growing up in a suburban Catholic home - when I was in seventh and eighth grade the mentality of growing to adulthood started to be stressed. So, it was a ‘given’ that I had to use logic and think for myself.
I’m very sorry about your first wife’s situation. I seem to remember years back that a JW would not want to be seen this way because it would ‘bring reproach on Jehovah’. But, I guess things have changed for the worse in the JW religion and now panhandling is acceptable.. Again, I am Glad I am no longer around any of this. 👎
Magical Sky Daddy is going to provide for you, oh , please! Heard that so many times. Does it work? Nope. Only in Dreamland of some Jw's.
Around the first of every new year, I check the FACEBOOK pages of JWS, whom I have known for many years.
This year I looked at many over 65 former regular Pioneers with FB accounts. The depression and poor living conditions stood out. Cross-referencing addresses shown online on sources like "White Pages" and other search engines, very few owned homes or even rented apartments in decent neighborhoods. A sad way to spend the twilight of life.
Another thing struck me...the extreme poverty lifestyle must have affected their children. Not one "extreme JW" I knew, had JW children or grandchildren who stuck with Watchtower. Most of their children and grandchildren had photos prominently displaying Christmas trees, birthdays, and 4th of July celebrations. Perhaps they did not want to emulate the grinding poverty and sacrifice of their JW parents.
Except for those prominent jws that own wineries in NAPA valley.
I feel it is important to mention the change at the recent annual meeting of doing away with reporting hours for the R&F.. This ‘reporting of hours’ IS the reason why too many Jehovah’s Witnesses are in the state they are in!!! ..They were ‘scared’ into going out in the ministry full time or almost full time.. Armageddon was coming sooon!... Meanwhile, they should have had careers and paid into retirement.
But, the wonderful religion threw this hundred year old teaching out the window!!!! Poof! Thousands of Witnesses knocked themselves out for decades, lived on the edge and NOW are in senior years and in trouble!
I got knocked for working full-time years ago... But, I paid no mind and Retired when the time came.
After being ‘Faded’ all these years what do I read about but this latest change! ..How did I feel???.. I felt validated and SO glad I never listened.. But, I was angry at what could have happened to me if I caved in to all the pressure when I was young from older busybodies with cushy lives - most of whom are dead by now.
I have nothing but contempt for this awful religion and cannot believe anybody informed still goes there now in 2024!
Balaamsass2, it’s been a while since I dropped into this forum and was happy to see a friend. I have had the the same experience. All my old peeps in the org are now old and their kids aren’t sticking. I hope you and the wife are well!
I do have huge regrets listening to and believing the lies of this cult. I believed I would not leave school so didn’t work that hard. Then I pioneered straight away with min wage part time jobs, I struggled when I got married and still struggling to this day. But always taught don’t worry the end is so close now.
Never bought a house because that would have been a lack of faith. Now rents in the UK are shooting up that pioneers can only afford housing in very poor rough conditions.
When I think about the life I could have had if I had a Career anything other than pioneering for free all those decades. And for what? Now our retirement is going to be very hard and full of regret. Thank you Jehovah
Teddnzo: Never bought a house because that would have been a lack of faith.
That would not have been a problem in the congregation I grew up in. About the only people who had houses or nice apartments were the elders and ministerial servants. The rest of us lived in the projects. Not because of faith, mind you. Some (most?) simply couldn't afford it. Others felt that with the end so near, why bother?
Maybe we should have paid more attention to who it was that could afford homes and nice cars. Happily, I bought my first home eight years ago. JWs have only visited once.
road to nowhere
Skydaddy coerces someone else to (grudgingly) provide charity.