What religions are worse than JW's

by hippikon 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • hippikon

    No I hate all religion but I find the most odious those that use their interpretations to justify mass murder and suicide attacks (against people who couldn’t give a dam about their silly religion) to acheive political Goals

    You know who I’m talking about.

    I’ve probably just become the target of a fatwa or something

  • freedom96

    Aside from the obvious ones mentioned above, if you were to look at the "normal" religions out there that are widely accepted for the most part, I think the WTS has a lot to answer for.

    People routinely die from it, families are destroyed from it. Friendships are lost because of it. Doesn't sound to good does it?

    Even the mormons have a good family structure. Sure they will disfellowship to a degree, but it is NOTHING like the witnesses policies.

  • DanTheMan

    Last night I watched an interesting program on Court TV (American cable channel) called "I Detective". It was about the now-defunct Rajneesh cult in Oregon. Back in the 80's, this cult was trying to gain political power in their area, they had many members running for local offices.

    In order to guarantee victory for the cult candidates, the geniuses in charge hatched a plan. On the days leading up to the election, they would spray salmonella bacteria on the food at the salad bars of local restaurants. That way the sickened populace would not be able to get out and vote . They carried out their plan, it was pretty sick. Here's an excerpt from an article about the incident:

    The only proven incident of bioterrorism the United States has ever experienced, we learned, was a bizarre plot by the Rajneeshees, a religious cult, to steal a county election in Oregon in 1984. The Rajneeshees, followers of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, a self-proclaimed guru exiled from India, had moved into a ranch in rural Wasco County, taken political control of the small nearby town of Antelope, and changed its name to Rajneesh. Next, the cult sought to run the whole county by winning the local election in 1984.

    The amazing story of the Wasco County election scandal was revealed to the conference's riveted participants by Leslie L. Zaitz, an investigative reporter for The Oregonian, and Dr. John Livengood, an epidemiologist at the Centers for Disease Control. To win the county election, the Rajneeshees planned to sicken a good portion of the population in the town of The Dalles, where most Wasco County voters live. Their weapon of choice to keep local residents from voting was salmonella bacteria. Cult members decided to test the use of salmonella and, if successful, to contaminate the entire water system of The Dalles on Election Day. First, the Rajneeshees poisoned two visiting Wasco County commissioners on a hot day by plying them with refreshing drinks of cold water laced with salmonella. Then, on a shopping trip to The Dalles, cut members sprinkled salmonella on produce in grocery stores "just for fun." According to reporter Zaitz, that experiment didn't get the results they wanted so the Rajneeshees proceeded to clandestinely sprinkle salmonella at the town's restaurant salad bars. Ten restaurants were hit and more than 700 people got sick.

    "They apparently didn't expect it to be such a huge success," Zaitz said. "The attention attracted by the salad bar escapade brought hordes of health officials and investigators into The Dalles. It dashed the cult's plan to do worse on Election Day." Health officials soon pinned down salmonella as the cause of the sudden outbreak, but put the blame on food handlers. In 1984, who could have imagined bioterrorism?

    The Rajneeshees also bused in homeless people by the hundreds from all across the country to register in Wasco County so they could vote in the '84 election. That plan failed when, alerted by the mass registration of the homeless, the state threatened to conduct administrative hearings on every new local voters. The cult's conspiracy to contaminate the election failed and a year later, the entire Rajneeshee commune collapsed under the weight of an internal conflict. Cult informers confessed to numerous crimes, including plots to kill the U.S. attorney, the state attorney general, and the guru's doctor, as well as the plot to contaminate the election Vials of salmonella were found on the Rajneeshees' ranch.

    Zaitz and his investigative reporting team produced a twenty-part series on the Rajneeshees for The Oregonian starting in June 1985. After the commune collapsed they went back and produced a follow-up series. Among other things, they learned that the Rajneeshees had secretly put together a top-ten hit list on which Zaitz's name appeared as number three.

  • Mecurious?

    Heavens gate, Scientology, The Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments, Jonestown, Solar temple, Branch Davidians, Rajneeshees, Aum Shinrikyo. These are just a few that come to my mind.


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    I’ve probably just become the target of a fatwa or something

    only if you're over 250 lbs.

    What religions are worse than JW's?..... how about those MOONIES? Mass weddings to people who've never even met each other before....what's up with that? Now that's a cult!

  • DJ

    The jw's are a sublte cult and most people do not view them as a cult...they do not have outrageous behaviors that are blatantly obvious to all. They are viewed as a cult mainly by us........who have experienced them firsthand and by others who have extensively researched them without ever belonging to them. Most people just see them as another denomination. It is a shame and imo, Christian churches ought to do a better job educating the public. Most pastors know very little about the jw's or the harm they cause. Jesus predicted false teachers and we have plenty.

    As far as what religions are worse goes......imo, that is a personal experience question because some have been deeply damaged in many ways and yet there are others who were jw's that walked away seeming unscathed. I suppose that could be true in all cults.

  • rocketman

    There are worse religions, those that in extreme form teach hatred of others who do not share their ideals.

    Of course, jws want to see the day when God will wipe out almost the entire population of this planet. Because God's going to do it, I guess they see no problem with that. Still in all, no practicing jw is going to declare a fatwa or engage in some jihad or release Sarin into a subway. That's comforting.( I guess I'm being a bit sarcastic, so rolling eyeballs here:)

  • Aztec

    I think all religions are bad so...don't ask me.


  • jgnat

    I just stumbled on to Ananda. Very Scary. http://www.anandainfo.com/services/index.htm

  • Joker10

    Jews, Muslims, Palestinian, Roman Catholic

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