Hi. I have been out of the cult JW religion for 3 yrs now, but I need some help/suggestions, please. I am not disfellowshipped, but I simply became "inactive" after I left home & got married... I was "publicly reproved" once, & was wondering about those "secret files" they have kept on me. If you have ever been in the "back room" then you know what I am talking about. How humiliating to tell every single detail of a sexual inuendo to 3 old decreped men who did not know me at all... It's like they wanted to get off on it somehow! Anyway, I was thinking about turning a letter in on disassociating myself from the "Organization", & telling them I would like them to destroy my records for good...I know this would not probably work, you know, because I would have to break-into the Kingdom Hall, (or disguise myself as a newly interested person who wanted to study & break into the back-room files), to see if they were still in there.. (HA) I don't know if I should just keep myself as an "inactive" person, or if I should send in my letter for closure, but I know those files won't be gone, & shit how I am so obsessed about this issue of part of my personal life being in their hands. What should I do, or what can be done? PLease help me!!!!!!!
Those "secret files" the elders kept on each & every one of us?
by FreeofGuilt 19 Replies latest jw friends
I could be wrong, but my understanding is they don't keep the files at the hall, and they will never go away. I don't think there is any way to get rid of the file. Just fade away, and it will collect dust.
By the way, welcome to the board.
little witch
wecome to the boards Free!
I would not encourage you to do anything to retrieve those files.
The fact that you are getting on with your life is wonderful, and I am happy for you.
DA yourself is a matter for you and you only, nobody can make that decision for you. However, many here have had to face it at one point or another. Here are some things to consider;
Do you have family who will shun you? Does it matter to you?
Can you handle the reprocussions that may ensue after you do it?
Do you need to do this for closure?
I wish you all the best, keep us informed ok? Again, Welcome!
Lady Lee
Welcome FreeofGuilt
You will find a lot of good info and support here
If you decide to DA yourself, do not sign your letter. Play with them a little.
If you want to know what the local congo and the Society does with your information, go to http://www.dirtclod.com/gallery and browse through some of the Body of Elder's letters. They are indexed by subject and date. Reading through them may give you some ideas as to what to do.
In England(Don't know about in the US) we have a law giving any person the right to see, or recieve copies of any information that other people hold about them. Has anyone ever tried using this to read their file? If they don't let you see it, you take them to court. If they claim that the records have been destroyed, report them to the bethel for not following instructions in the congregation.
That info is still in the files at the Hall. If you were reproved, they are in sealed envelopes in the file. You will never get them back unless the laws change in the USA.
Lady Lee
Gadget In Canada we have an Access to information law.
A few people have tested the law but it has failed I believe in both the US and Canada. Perhaps someone here can correct me if I am wrong.
From what I think I know no case has been won to release the WT records
How did the people testing the law fail?
Is it because they said they were destroyed, because for any other reason the courts could serve an injunction to them to produce the documents. In the UK we have a small claims court where minor matters can be resolved fairly cheaply, possibly this could be used. If the records are not produced, the courts can then follow up on this themselves.
If they say the records are destroyed, it might be interesting at reinstating committee. If they consult any records from the origonal committee(Which would be neccesary to see if your repentant now), then you have ptoof that they have lied in court, a serious criminal offence.
Anybody here got legal experience and able to comment on this?