My Photo

by Amazing 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing

    For those who don't know me, or have yet to meet in person, this is my mug shot:

    Here I am. Not my best .

    This face was seen at least at 10,000 doors in many states during my 25 years in the Borg. This is the face of an evil apostate ... but I feel much better now ... ... and I am much meaner looking in real life.

    Also, some may find my exit story interesting. You can find it at my web site at ... then click on "My 6 Year Journey Out of the Watchtower" ... the story is not too long, and has a fun twist at the end. - Jim Whitney

  • Aztec

    Thank you for the picture Amazing! I will read your story tomorrow when I am less sleepy.


  • shera

    Hello amazing,nice to see you.

  • waiting

    Welllllllll, ain't you just a cutie! Luvvvvvv the beard.

    You are just Simply Amazing. Glad to have you back around again!


  • MrMoe

    Hey honey!!! *waves* Nice to see you again, and your smile Thanks for sharing!

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Hi Amazing !! Long time no 'see'. Glad to hear you're feeling better, I've always enjoyed your posts (except the ones where we clashed)...

  • Sunspot

    Oh Jim! What a terrific surprise and even more terrific picture of you!!!!! As Billy Crystal would say...."You look MAHVELOUS!", and Annie says it too!

    I knew you from H2O, and here....and read your "book" like it was water on an oasis....and enjoyed every word! You are a great writer, and a wonderful person. I am so happy to "know" you via the 'net.

    My very best wishes and deepest respect are yours always.....

    Hugs to you and yours,


  • freedom96

    Your website looks great. I bookmarked it later for a good thorough read. Welcome back.

  • riz

    (((((((((((Jim))))))))))))) you gave us quite a scare last year. now you have to put up with all of our hugs! you are awesome! great pic, by the way.

    love, riz

  • onacruse

    Jim, it's very good to see you back on your feet.

    Our best to you and your family.

    Craig & Katie

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