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by Amazing 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • jst2laws


    You cut your hair since I saw you last. It is better. Much more professional looking.

    I'm glad you gave us a link to your story. When you first wrote it I passed it on to a Jw elder. I think it helped change his life.

    Take care


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex


    It's good to see you up and around again. I'm glad you dropped by just to say howdy to us. Thanks.

  • blondie

    You look good, Amazing. My husband is recovering from heart failure. I have some insight what you must have been through. Keep listening to the doctors and stay as healthy as possible.


  • outnfree

    Thank God you posted your pic, (((((((((Jim))))))))))!

    You were gone so long I was beginning to forget what you looked liked!

    Great to see ya!


  • adrift

    Amazing, The day I first found this site, I read some of your posts and they really stood out to me. I clicked on your name and followed it to your own web site.

    I have to say, I wouldn't call your story short. It took me two margaritas and then a pot of coffee, which I then needed, before I finished it. I just couldn't stop reading due to those cliff hangers at the end of every page. I think there is a job for you out there writing for the soaps.

    Anyway, I have really enjoyed your posts. I hope you'll be visiting here more often again.

  • larc

    Hey Jim,

    Not only are you a good writer and a good person to talk to on the phone, but are a handsome dude as well (I say that as a heterosexual).

  • DJ

    Thanks Jim....sounds like a great monday morning, cup of You look good in the pic!

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