Why we can't afford tax cuts
by SixofNine 80 Replies latest social current
ThiChi, another wanker whose agenda has sucked away his ability to even read.
It is amusing that Sixofnine only offers a fallacy by offering only one choice, Spending, and more spending.
I haven't proffered a single thing in regards spending. Not a word. I haven't even offered an opinion at all, other than the headline of my thread. Are you a dumbass?
You are singing the same mantra that the liberals did in the 80's.
Again I ask, are you a dumbass? I ask because I haven't been singing anything, yet you stated the above. It's almost too blatantly stupid to be a mistake on your part.
""I haven't proffered a single thing in regards spending. Not a word. I haven't even offered an opinion at all, other than the headline of my thread. Are you a dumbass?""
Name calling won’t help your case. You prove my point, you "haven’t offered" S**T. You offer no productive answer, only name calling and distorting reality.
""...I ask because I haven't been singing anything...."
One example of many:
""It's hard enough to think about the collective good in the here and now, it's that much harder to think about the collective good of our grandchildren. "Why not let them deal with it?" Unfortunately, it seems we are leaving them debts that may be impossible to "deal' with. ""
Your inferences are simplistic and irreverent. You try to direct our conclusion to a fallacy, a "false Dilemma," that does not address the real issue at hand. Your "Self-inflicted Victimization" of yourself and others proves my point.
what you forget to mention is that the top 1% owns 40% !!! of all wealth in the US while the lowest 50% own only 3% of the wealth!
while the top 0.5% earn about 700.000 $ /year and the following 0.5 % of people have an income of about 300.000$ a year the average of the lowest 90% earn 33.000 a year!
i think we don'T have to worry too much about the poor millionairs and billionairs paing too much taxes!
hmmmmm does this number represent all the pentions and medicare etc. that the state will have to pay for a period of lets say 30 years or so to all the now retiring people? in this case the taxes payed over the next 30 years will approx. equal that out. OR are these actual NOW existing debts? this would be extraordinate....how would the US be able to pay for the interest alone?
How about raising the gasoline tax only for people that pull up with gas-guzzling SUV's?
If we just demanded a zero growth budget for a few years many problems would be solved. We're spending Billions more than were were under Clinton. We're bringing in more too, the problem is (as always) spending has out stripped revenues. Politics needs to get out of the budget process. The military would LOVE to close a bunch of bases that would save billions, but senators and congressmen affected by the closing won't allow them to do it. The same goes on all over the place. FLAT TAX FLAT TAX FLAT TAX.
if thichi's statistics is correct and the top people pay some 90 % of the taxes than you should not scream FLAT rate!
in this case the taxes payed over the next 30 years will approx. equal that out.
If that were so, this wouldn't be an issue, would it? I don't know if it is accurate to call future medicaid and SS payments "debts" Realist, but they are very real obligations, and they are unfunded now by 40+ trillion dollars.
I don't know if that solves this problem, but it sure has a certain appeal, doesn't it?
How about raising the gasoline tax only for people that pull up with gas-guzzling SUV's?
This budget seems to have done the opposite. It provides massive tax cuts for vehicles over a certain weight. 'Cuz all plumbers need a Hummer. -
6/9 - I don't debate with brainless leftists, I correct their fuckups and let them put the pieces of their flawed arguments back together. There are plenty of facts in this thread, go read them. I'm playing house philosopher and epistemologist.
It's warming to see that liberals here are the same as liberals everywhere. The lefty propensities of Mr. Burns are woven throughout his very cleaver writing, as are yours. Any time I see someone in favor of throwing huge piles of OTM (Other People's Money) at a problem, I know there's a leftist in the wood pile somewhere close by). You don't propose I find a line where he says "Oh, I'm a lefty and that means neo-Marxist to you," do you? How naive of you. You like the approach of Fabians? Go live in the UK. See what they've done to England? Go for it.
EXPATBRIT - Leave out context, leave out truth. Haven't you seen enough of this context lying via the JW's use of the ellipsis? I think you'll find that there is always room for the truth. Layout editors can work wonders.
Francoise, you don't debate anyone. You blather. As I've pointed out in the past, you blather rather poetically and it "sounds" good at first. I've realised it's all just hot air.
You couldn't even accomplish that simple assignment of finding a singe "leftist" statement in the entire article. You haven't even taken issue with the actual article. What you've done is blathered about things not discussed in the article. You haven't seen myself or Mr. Burns favor throwing OPM at anything, but you say you have. You lie, you blather, and you do it because your agenda and lack of self control of ego have fucked your mind totally and completely. You simply don't give a shit about truth or accuracy anymore.