What is the task of future Philosophers?
To the Philosophers Among Us.
by Blueblades 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I would say helping people find real meaning, possibly beyond the semantic games and implications that come with cultural bias, hate, religiosity, etc..Instead, look for ways to infuse logic and real reason into people's lives.
District Overbeer
Mr. Kim
I would say, after all of the dust has settled: to help put people back together again! It is still going to be an "up-hill walk".
Lady Lee
To help people open their minds to other possibilities. We live in a very ethoncentric society. We see the world through our glasses. Hopefully we can help people see the world and others from a different perspective, through the eyes of another
In Dead Poet's Society the teacher had the students stand on the desk and look at their classroom.
Even a slight shift in perspective allows one to see what they could not see before, to know what one did not know before
Epistemology and Cosmology would be at or near the top of any list.
Here's a joke:
Q. How do you get the philosophy major off your porch?
A. Pay him for the pizza
LOL that was great!!!!!!!!!!
philosophy is consumed by science...soon there won't be anything left for them to discuss (with the exception of meta physics).
What is the task of future Philosophers?
Who needs philosophy when we have Dr. Laura? Dedalus
It is the philosophers job to "see" WIGO.
What Is Going On
Some have said that philosophy, as we have known it, is dead. Or, as Alfred North Whitehead stated, "The whole of western philosophy is nothing but a series of footnotes to Plato."