The Taking Down the Tower Myth

by IslandWoman 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • IslandWoman

    Some prominant xJWs have promulgated this myth. Some have done so out of hatred for the Watchtower others because of love for the ones hurt by the Watchtower.

    The "taking down of the Tower" will not happen.

    Just as the Roman Catholic Church continues and all of her children continue, so will the Watchtower. It fills a need among the religiously disenfranchised and will continue to so for some time.

    There is no "smoking gun" large enough to take down a religion which draws to itself the cast offs of other religions.

    Reform, reform, reform. Reform from within is what will cause the Watchtower to become more humane, more Christlike.


  • little witch
    little witch

    Hi Islandwoman!

    I agree with you in large part. At this point, short of bankruptcy, the tower cannot ''fall''

    Reform can, and probably will diminish its heighth.

    That's good enough for me.

    Every story of escape makes my heart glad.

    The Tower is aligning itself more and more in a ''corporate structure'', and the more that happens, the more can be done to hold it ACCOUNTABLE.

    Enron and Worldcom were never expected to be debased, and look what happened to them.

    The main power that the tower has is it's hold on families, and it's NPO status.

    I do look for them to diversify to less educated, third world countries as they're homebase. Same old routine, different ballpark. I think that their country of origin has panned out.....

    BTW, Nice to hear from you IW, it has been a while, and I always enjoyed your posts! Hope all is well!

  • IslandWoman

    Hi little witch,

    BTW, Nice to hear from you IW, it has been a while, and I always enjoyed your posts! Hope all is well!

    Thanks for asking, yes, all is well with me.

    Take care,


  • Stephanus

    The Tower WILL fall from its lofty heights of arrogance today. Either by becoming kinder and gentler and mainstream or by becoming irrelevant due to an exodus of those who've had enough. Either way, I define this as the Tower "falling". For me to accept that it hasn't fallen it will have to both maintain or increase its current numbers and its current murderous dogma into the future. I see neither of these happening, so by MY definition, the Tower will fall.

  • SixofNine

    I think any "reform" in the WT will come from outside pressure. To my mind that is "taking down the Tower" for all practical purposes.

    Will one issue destroy them overnite? Probably not. Will they continue to grow? Highly unlikely givin the easy access to information. I could see them losing alot of people before they got the new light needed to reform. They are a bit thick, y'know?

  • IslandWoman


    The title of this thread, "The Taking Down the Tower Myth", has to do with the dissolution of the Tower. I believe little witch's use of the word "fall" was in keeping with that.

    Your reformed definition of the word "fall", while worthy, is not in keeping with the intended meaning of that word on this thread.


  • Stephanus
    Your reformed definition of the word "fall", while worthy, is not in keeping with the intended meaning of that word on this thread.

    It is the definition I used on the other thread and it is the definition I have always used. It is the term I use, it is the way I define the "falling" of the Tower. So, the Tower WILL fall. Maybe not disappear, but change. And since 6of9 is right that any change will be due to external pressures, I can't see how you can forecast a victorious Watchtower. You keep hoping that your righteous underground Bethelites will save the Tower, IW, but they've been cowering from the conservative faction for over 2 decades; they are too comfortable (and probably too old now) to make a difference in any positive way. External influences will bring the Tower to its knees - it will FALL!

  • IslandWoman


    I think any "reform" in the WT will come from outside pressure. To my mind that is "taking down the Tower" for all practical purposes.

    To be sure the xJWs are providing pressure on the Watchtower, but that pressure alone will not bring about change. The change will initiate from the inside. It is people on the inside that will bring about reform. The xJWs have racheted up the heat but without the insiders there would be no change.


  • little witch
    little witch

    IW said ''reform'' FOUR TIMES!

    LW agrees.

    Stephanus says, "Kindler, Gentler, and Mainstream"

    Does not this equal reform?

    I believe the word reform means, to change from the inside.

    Stephanus, where is your argument?

    And do not drag sixofnine into this.

    Stephanus also uses the pronoun ''I'' a record breaking FOUR times in two short sentences!

    And how the HELL did you conclude that IW or I predicted a ''victorious Watchtower''?????

    Calm down, have a beer, and relax Stephanus, it's all in your mind.

  • DanTheMan

    If human society continues as-is for another 50 years (doubtful), I predict that they will peak at about 10-15 million in the next 10 years, then they will start experiencing decreases that they can't cover up by juggling statistics. Then they will fade into oblivion.

    But the one fell swoop theory just doesn't hold water. It ain't gonna happen that way. The USA is way too religion-friendly to allow lawsuits to bankrupt them.

    As far as reform goes, I think that there are plenty of 40-50 something org heavies that are just as conservative as Jaracz and company.

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