I said "I" so many times for good reason and with purpose. I was making it very clear that when I am talking about the Tower falling, I have a very specific definition of what that means. And according to that definition, I am not wrong when I say the Tower will fall. Hardly rocket science, is it?
As for reform, it's happening from without, not within, the same way Iraq is being reformed - you'd hardly call that a victory for Iraqi moderates, would you? The moderates within the Tower recently attempted reform with the failed issue of the new blood cards that implied that autologous blood is okay. Those were immediately withdrawn. The moderates aren't driving reform, it is the angry outsiders. Look at the UN issue, discovered by a netsurfing apostate and how quickly the Tower dropped that one! There will be real reform on the child molestation issue when some court cases start to be won. NOT because of internal moderates, but external pressure. If you attack something and it capitulates to your demand, is that a victory for that thing? Nope! It has lost the battle; it has FALLEN. The Tower is toppling and falling as we speak.
But the one fell swoop theory just doesn't hold water. It ain't gonna happen that way. The USA is way too religion-friendly to allow lawsuits to bankrupt them.
Too true. But they will be a shadow of their former glory. The Tower is falling.
As far as reform goes, I think that there are plenty of 40-50 something org heavies that are just as conservative as Jaracz and company.Exactly - the moderates are as useful as an ashtray on a motorbike - to hope they can gently reform the system from within is to hope in vain. Reform will come from the short sharp shocks that the Tower is receiving from outside. It will happen not because someone good inside the org is trying to make something good happen within the org, but because someone bad will jettison some bad policy in order to save the Org from something bad happening.