Anyone Here Been To A Greek Island?

by Englishman 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    I've booked a week in Corfu, a Greek island, commencing July 20. It's our first visit to Greece. We're staying at a little place called Paleokastritsa. The guide books say it's unsuitable for old people (too steep), teenagers (too quiet), or children (too dangerous, high peaks). Looks ideal to me!

    Anyone here ever been to a Greek island?

    Any tips about food, drink, places to see etc?


  • searchfothetruth

    You're not going THERE are you?

  • Angharad

    Greece is lovely, I'm sure it will be great!

    I went to Corfu years ago, cant remember the name of the town but Paleokastritsa does sound familiar, maybe went through it. I've also been to Rhodes, Lesbos, & Skopelos (scary landing!).

    Greek salad with Feta cheese

    Have a great time

  • alamb

    My husband lived on Santorini for a year and loved it. There is a bay where you can watch the sun set through some rocks in the sea and see the key to the world. He had some horror stories about the mopeds though.

    Enjoy the trip.

  • cruzanheart

    Oh, you will have a lovely time! You might want to read Gerald Durrell's book, "My Family and Other Animals," which is all about his boyhood on Corfu. It's amusing and educational too. His brother Lawrence Durrell, who was of a more serious mein, wrote "The Alexandria Quartet" which I believe was about his viewpoint of living in Greece. And watch "Shirley Valentine" before you go, just for local color.

    As for food, enjoy it all! The Greek islands excel in seafood recipes with a lot of flavor. If you haven't tried ouzo, don't slam it back like a shot -- sip it. It's liquid fire with an anise flavor.

    I've never been to the Greek islands but visited Greece in 1973 and had the privilege of seeing where my grandmother was born and raised. It's a little village tucked into the mountains outside of Sparta. I loved Greece and look forward to another trip, hopefully to the islands next time.

    Post photos, please!!!


  • Gerard

    I visited some. Skyros island was quite nice and traditional.

  • Mary

    Englishman, I hope you already have the address for the local Kingdom Hall in Greece so that you won't miss a word of "spiritual food"..............and please tell me that you've packed your Service case, because you don't want to "take a vacation from the Preaching Work", right?

    Have a great time! I'd love to go to Greece, but until I win the lottery, it ain't gonna happen!!

  • DJ

    Oh Englishman............that sounds so great!! I have always had a desire to go to the Greek Islands. So far in my life I have only been to Italy and loved it. My grandparents were from there. Have a wonderful trip and please post some pic's when you return....I'd love that! I can't convince my husband to fly so if I ever get to Greece, I guess I'll be alone....

  • viktoria

    Hallo Englishman,

    O,you are going to have such a fantastic time.

    Last year I went to Kreta with the children and we are absolutely going back.A good idea would be to rent a car and go sightseeing,there is so much to see and it´s all so different than we are used to.

    We did that and often we had a meal in one of the small local restaurants-the food is very good,we often had something of wich I have forgotten the name,but it´s a sort of toast with chopped tomatoes and fresh cheese.A little basil and oliveoil on top...hmmm.It may not sound like anything but it tastes fantastic!

    On the way from our apartment to the local village we always passed a few goats who seemed to live of nothing,just some dry grass-and we felt sorry for them.So we would keep the old bread and bring it along for the goats.Now never tell me a goat is stupid because after a few days they knew us and would come running towards us when they spotted us.....

    One day we didn´t have any old bread and we had to go to the village,of course,there were the goats again.We felt so sorry for them and my youngest son just couldent go away without giving something to the one who looked most hungry- but all he had was his chewing gum.The puzzeled look on that goats face was priceless,it just stood there chewing and chewing with such a funny expression.When we came back later on it still stood there still chewing along.

    But-as the boy´s said:what a fresh breath that goat had!


  • gitasatsangha

    enjoy and don't drink to much of that retsina. pine resin is for cleaning fluid, not stomachs :-)

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