As some of you may know, I came these boards quite some time ago due to my close connection to a Jehovah's Witness. I watched as he struggled and watched as he left the organization. To explain him, he is ~out~ physically, but still somewhat ~in~ mentally. He really hasn't explored the reality behind the group and doesn't seem ready yet to address that end of things. I suspect it will be somewhat traumatic for him when he does.
I may have mentioned previously that I found it interesting that in all the years I knew him as a witness, he could never remember his dreams. Not a one. And then, he left the group. Suddenly he's recounting dreams he's had the night before with ever increasing detail. I'd bet big dollars on the fact that leaving the group has somehow contributed to his newfound ability to remember dreams. I'm sure there must be a psychological explanation for this recent relatively recent development (he's been "out" a little over a year now).
Anyway, last night he had a nightmare. He woke up from a distressing dream, and although he was awake, he immediately felt terrified that demons and ghosts might be real. And then, a sense of overwhelming loneliness set in. As he told me how distraught he was, I felt sad that he didn't pick up the phone and call me as he had wanted to (who doesn't need to reach out to someone close at a difficult time!?) but he didn't want to wake me up. He's not alone, not really. He has friends and a love and a surrogate family. But, of course, that feeling must have been incredibly awful nonetheless.
I remember when I was growing up- thanks to the Six Million Dollar Man- I was sure that Big Foot lived in my family's sewing room. In the middle of the night I would sprint past the doorway on my way to the bathroom, as I was positive that Big Foot would emerge from the back of the room and, I dunno, eat me or something. I was terrified. Here's the thing- I can't imagine if I told my parents about my Big Foot theory and they sat me down on the bed and said, "you know, honey, we know Big Foot exists and it's possible that he might live in the sewing room to boot!" I can't even imagine the horror I would have felt if my parents- the adults- had said such a thing to me!
Well, here's my friend... a grown man... lying awake at night, afraid of monsters. Of demons.
Sad. Very sad indeed.