Yeah, I know that ultimately it's a victims of victims scenario. I keep trying to remind myself of that.
Of course, in my friends case, his parents converted so it's a little harder to stomach. At some point they either had to accept the demon thang as reality or, possibly, they may have already believed in demons but had that belief reinforced. It seems a shame that their "filters" didn't kick in.
But, even just taking the demon out of the issue and applying some other boogie man type, I still have a hard time really accepting it. As an example, if my young nephew came up to me and said that he feared an axe murderer was going to get him- well, there really are psychotic axe-wielding nutjobs out there. So, that much is a reality. But, even so, I can't imagine looking at him and saying, "yeah, you should be afraid because their are psychos out there and they may just kill you". As the adult in the scenario, I feel I have some responsibility to ease the concerns of my nephew by re-assuring him. So, even though he could fall victim to an axe murderer, I feel an obligation to downplay that thought, rather than encourage it.
I know... I know... I have to just keep telling myself "victims". I'm trying, but it really is hard.