The demon dream

by detective 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • rem

    Unfortunately I think it's a case of JW kids being victims of victims. Most (or at least many) JW kid's parents were raised as JW's themselves and were brought up with this irrational fear of demons. When they became adults, they never lost this belief. They then pass it on to their children. It's almost meme-like. Some of it may be for control, but these parents really do believe the demons are real and represent a real threat in their lives. The parents are victims of the meme just like their children.


  • detective

    Yeah, I know that ultimately it's a victims of victims scenario. I keep trying to remind myself of that.

    Of course, in my friends case, his parents converted so it's a little harder to stomach. At some point they either had to accept the demon thang as reality or, possibly, they may have already believed in demons but had that belief reinforced. It seems a shame that their "filters" didn't kick in.

    But, even just taking the demon out of the issue and applying some other boogie man type, I still have a hard time really accepting it. As an example, if my young nephew came up to me and said that he feared an axe murderer was going to get him- well, there really are psychotic axe-wielding nutjobs out there. So, that much is a reality. But, even so, I can't imagine looking at him and saying, "yeah, you should be afraid because their are psychos out there and they may just kill you". As the adult in the scenario, I feel I have some responsibility to ease the concerns of my nephew by re-assuring him. So, even though he could fall victim to an axe murderer, I feel an obligation to downplay that thought, rather than encourage it.

    I know... I know... I have to just keep telling myself "victims". I'm trying, but it really is hard.

  • Hamas

    Not that sad when you think about it.

    We were all victims of this insane religious asylum at one point in our lives. There is no shame in being caught up in something If you are unaware of the facts, but If you are aware of true facts that is the height of lemminghood.

    Place yourself in his shoes. It is only when we are free that we can look back on these things in hindsight, no longer afraid of disney style spiritual stories.

    Help this guy out of the Watchtower, only then can he have peace.

  • detective

    Hamas, just to be clear- in no way am I criticizing my friend. Although I must say it's taking substantial restraint not to skewer his converted-to-JWism parents.

  • heathen

    detective--- ARe you trying to tell us that your friend and his family are newly converted to jw ? Wow this would be most unusual that a person who only had recent exposure would be so paranoid to demonic spooks and such . I don't necessarily blame the WT for people over reacting to some bible teachings ,after all the idea of demons is in the bible and some of the fear could come from that . Exactly what is it your friend is afraid will happen to him should he encounter a demon ? Is he afraid his home will now become the amnityville horror ? I just remember when I was a kid that I did have an over active imagination and was terrified of demons and since then I have had very peculiar things take place that involve spirits and such and I don't take these kind of things lightly but try not to over react . You will never see me running out of the house in hysterics or paralysed with fear either.

  • detective

    Actually, my friend was raised a witness. His parents converted when he was quite young. He has a memory of one Christmas. He was quite involved- not a person who ever thought they would leave the group. Things change, I guess.

    He had a second dream/ awakening incident last night. He's troubled by it but doesn't want to talk about it in too much detail. I'm not sure what, but something is going on with him.

  • heathen

    detective-- One thing I do remember when I was studying with the jw ( was never a dub tho) that they do believe in demonic influence while dreaming .I don't know what satan could possibly hope to gain by invading peoples dreams tho Psychologists seem to think that dreaming is just the sub conscious mind playing out various thoughts that are often ignored by the concious mind . Any how keep us posted on the situation.

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