The bible is a very misogynistic book and one of the areas that its misogyny is especially evident is in the area of sexuality. Here's why I say this:
1. From reading the Law, one gets the impression that adultery is always a sin against the husband and never a sin against the wife. The Law makes provision for a husband who suspects his wife of adultery, to bring her before the priests for a holy water trial. There is no such provision for the wife who suspects her husband of adultery.
The story of Mary's miraculous impregnation also seems to indirectly hint at adultery being a sin against the man. How so? Under the law adultery is supposed to be a capitol offence punishable by death. But when Joseph found out Mary was pregnant (presumably by another man), the bible says he decided to divorce her secretly because he was righteous. How could he be righteous for failing to report a capitol offence? Well, it seems like its only a capitol offence if the offended party - the husband - does not forgive the unfaithful wife. Now if adultery was a capitol offence period, regardless of the husband's forgiveness, then Joseph would have been duty bound to report Mary's crime and would not be considered righteous for failing to do so.
2. Polygamy is permissible but polyandry (a woman with multiple husbands) is not. A woman's right to be the sole, exclusive object of a man's romantic affection is not respected as the man can choose to have other women. But the man's right to be a woman's sole, exclusive object of romantic affection is enforced with the penalty of death. Sexual fidelity, under the Law, is all about pleasing the man, and adultery is all about stealing the man's sex toy behind his back. It has nothing to do with how women feel and their sexual needs.