In spite of it being the best assembly EVER, 99% will forget what it was about a day or two after it's over.
2018 Regional Convention program available on JW.borg
by sir82 36 Replies latest jw friends
Same song all the time
4:50 Song No. 3 and Closing Prayer
In JW delusion land "Be courageous and very strong" is the uplifting theme to their annual propoganda rally.
Meanwhile back in reality "Be cowardly and very wrong on just about everything" is the way JW's actually live their so-called life of servitude to the borg.
a brother gave a really great talk, the last saturday talk. He actually mentioned 1 john 4:1 and outright stated we shouldn't rely on any man made organization but only god. I dont think he followed the script on that one. truly appreciated it.
The sunday movie was actually reallly good too
I attended Saturday in Ohio and it wasn't bad. They are breaking the session up into shorter talks, with videos here and there, so it's not as boring as it used to be. The baptism had about 35 or so with 6100 in attendance. Still a waste of a good summer day, but I've seen worse.