She always rubbed me wrong. The last time I watched her show was when she took credit for planting hundreds of bulbs. I LMAO sure she planted them by herself. I don't like liars and she lied and took credit for everything. Hmmm bit her in the ass didn't it
Martha Stewart Indicted ! What do you think of her now ?
by xjw_b12 42 Replies latest social current
This doesn't have anything to do with being jealous of her success...there are people with much more money in this world who have gotten busted for insider trading. The CEO of the company involved had pleaded guilty to several counts of fraud just the week before...If she is convicted I think she needs to spend more than 30 days in jail...If I stold as much money as she made of the sale of that stock, some $220,000, I would go away for a long time. You can read the actual indictment here...
District Overbeer
She was framed.
I feel for her, if she were a man this wouldn't be happening to her. Like she needed to worry about a couple hundred thousand when her company was worth millions. I think she was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
I hope she gets a fair shake.
I think now what I thought of her years ago. A snobby bitch. So much fame, so much money, and it all goes down over a couple hundred grand.
Now she claims to have lost over 400 million because of all this. I think it is funny.
I do not feel sorry for her at all.
Now she should do what a normal person would have to, and that is to serve some time.
I never did like her. He monotonous way of speaking always struck me as sugar trying to cover a whole lot of vinegar. She always had a reputation for treating others around her like crap. Her one goal in life was her own success, no matter what the cost, or who she had to step on to get there. Well, her greed and treatment of others has come back to haunt her - what goes around, comes around. I think that her ego was her downfall and do not beleive that she deserves any special treatment.
my my.
I've gotten her mag for years - still like it. When I'm around, I watch her show. I luvvvvv her catalogs - fine stuff. When on Ebay, I check out her Garage Sale site (something similar).....really cool leftovers from her catalog. And her products are good! Her linens are great, as are the kitchen stuff.-eI think - all in all - she's a remarkable woman. She has built an empire. Lol - just how many other financial empire builders do we judge by "snobby, unsocial, etc., etc." "Ah jis don' liake her hai-er fallin' thaaata waaay in her aeyyyys." I'm southern - ah caun tease liake tha........
She's, imho, a business woman, first & formost. She found a nitch - and worked it. Congratulations to her. I'm guessing she worked quite hard for her success.
IF she's guilty? Lol - if someone told me that the stock I was holding was going to tumble tomorrow.....I can't imagine me not trying to sell it before tomorrow. Duh.
She lied? Does anyone actually think that a person in business/politics/religion/marriage has never lied? And have I got a deal for you.........
She ain't my hero......but she's sure earned my respect over the years. Actually? An admirer of sorts...and no, I'm not gay.
I hope she beats this - or at least, survives it. Good company.
El Kabong
Nobody ever got rich by being a saint.
What's that saying.... "You do the crime, you do the time?" Well, Martha is a shrewd businesswoman. She knew what she was doing when she sold those shares of IMCLONE stock. I think she is crapping her pants right about now, she knows that the feds are going to make an example of her so that other CEO's don't try to pull the same shady and downright dishonest tactics. If they let this incident go by without severe prosecution, the regular joe stockholder will be wary of investing in stocks....and we all know what that means.
Mrs. Shakita
Someone has to take the heat/spotlight off of Enron, Worldcon..opps..I mean MCI , Global Crossing yadda yadda yadda