Martha Stewart Indicted ! What do you think of her now ?
by xjw_b12 42 Replies latest social current
For all of those who think she abused her power, how do you know? Nothing has been proven yet and maybe, just maybe, she is so big in the investor game that she DID`NT know what was going on.I have a good friend who day trades and does very well and much of the time his stocks are traded when they reach a certain point price-wise not because of insider info. I personally think Martha is a snobby bitch but that still doesn't mean she used her influence to gain an edge.Good post XJWB12INCHES TOO!!!! We might see you at KB Falls this weekend!! I phoned you this week but you were out I`ll call next week. Maybe do lunch?
They're mostly faceless entities, with as much personality as a lamppost. You couldn't identify with them.
personally i thnk this is the real issue- in the media as well as in the DA office and the Justice dept - some cases just have better AIR PLAY TIME
men kill their wives everyday, yet night after night we have 4 / 5 tv stations doing play by play of the laci case- the couple has TV Image-
martha has name reconition, while the fact she is a woman could play a part-- yet if it was a man with as much name reconition we would see the same ---------------cause the media understands its audience, as humans we have this dark side of us that that says:
"Damn--- a car wreck , but yet we still want to drive by to see if a "Headless Body" is still inside-
Martha is just the flavor of the month-