Well said Big Tex.
S of J: I gain absolutely NO inspiration, or comfort nor love from your presence. If you ever thought being here defending the organization was your posit; thus rendering us as beneath you to be judged negatively at Armageddon; you've done more damage to your beloved religion, organization and reputation.
It sends me running very fast, far and furious in the other direction.
Your reply to this thread, rendered you: robotic and predictable. You've insulted a family that embodies what I'd call: true love for family & friends and yes...even strangers.
Sword, yes the prefix that says it all. The 'of', as if divinely chosen perhaps (possessive)? Jah: a mean-spirited god, that is truly personified and represented in your posts. You can have him, all of him, and his writings. Go share it with somebody who cares.
I think you owe Cruzanheart an apology.
If you read Cruzanheart's daughter's note on this forum, on how her grandfather took his own life, it would bring tears to ones eyes. I know it did me.