They are shocked when their children grow up and do not want this

by garybuss 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • dedalus
    These are sponsored by a religious book publishing corporation that claims to be Divinely directed but denies its writings are inspired.

    Like Maverick said, very clearly and succinctly put. There's a point at which irony becomes hypocrisy, and I think this is it.


  • Aztec
    they are shocked when their children grow up and do not want this lifestyle for themselves.

    Have you been talking with my father?

    Thanks Gary. That was very well put.


  • donkey

    So why did Brother Shitzhimzelftodeath pass on?

    Could it be the maggots got to his unprotcted food at the assembly?


    Perhaps we need food protectors

  • detective

    Garybuss, I was thinking along these lines the other day. My friend's parents coverted, which I think makes for a potentially interesting question that someday I'd love to pose to them!

    Essentially, I'd like to ask them "what was the plan"? As adults, they were able to check out this group thoroughly (though it's doubtful that they did). Prior to really decing to join, they could go to the library and compare arguments. They could research the history of the group. They could speak to current members and former members alike see what makes some stay and see some leave. Realistically, none of that happened. But as adults... considering converting...they were able to do the legwork. They had that choice. As adults, presumably weighing all of the evidence (um right), they chose to convert. But what about their children? Didn't they stop and ask themselves what the repercussions would be within their family if , when their children reached adulthood, they chose a different path? I wonder how my friend's parents thought they would handle it. Surely, they would allow their children the same options to choose as they had known, right? Um, right?

    Of course not, but that's not the point. Well, that point has been reached with their children. Their children have chosen another path. And, as a result, they no longer have any real relationship with their parents. You see, their parents made a choice... and the children were expected to live with it...or live without their parents.

    It makes you wonder how a parent could look at their small child and knowingly walk into a situation where they ~knew~ that their choice would forever limit their childs choices. And that the freedom that they explored which ultimately brought them to the JWs, was something they were going to deny their children.

    But, then again, they probably figured their kids wouldn't live "in this system of things" long enough to reach adulthood.

  • caligirl

    detective - I think you hit a very pertinent point - I think that many of these parents ( my own included) never expected their children to grow old enough to ever remember anything but life "after Armageddon." We were never expected to go to school, then never expected to graduate. Never mind having children of our own before all this happened.

    So now, they find themselves 30 years later wondering what happened and why all the emotional trauma left over from their childhoods are all still there because they were shelved to let the new system make it all better instead of being dealt with.

    My mother once admitted to my sister that becoming witnesses for the benefit of giving their children a better life and something to hope for didn't turn out at all like she thought it would. But that is as far as she would go with that line of thinking. All of their kids have at one time or another asked them why it is they persist with thinking that they "failed" with us in some way. They have no answer, because the sad thing is that the only thing "wrong" with any of us is that we chose not to be witnesses, and therefore have chosen death and destruction.

    The truly sad thing to me is that my parents were duped into beleiving that they were not capable of giving their children a better childhood and life than what they had without becoming witnesses. They have now wasted 30 years of their lives clinging to a pipe dream and pseudo-happiness. I hope one day they can stop feeling sorry that they failed to raise good witnesses long enough to see clearly that they were very successful parents IN SPITE OF BECOMING WITNESSES, not BECAUSE of it.

  • Swan
    Not to hi-jack the thread, but have being out of the loop for a while, have I missed some "direction" on not carrying coolers? First, they quit selling food, then they quit serving food for a "donation". Then they wanted everyone to bring a light lunch. But they didn't want you going out to a restaurant or street vendor. Now they don't want you to bring a cooler?? What do you do with your lunch? I guess most could leave it in their car, but what about those on the buses? Or within walking distance from their hotel/motel? Or in the bigger cities, those that use the subway/rail system?

    I too have been out of the JWs for some time (going on 10 years now). The last I heard they were giving away fast food for a donation. It was explained to me at the time that Jesus fed the masses with loaves and fishes and that Jehovah would bless this new arrangement. Did that all change? When? Why?

    Also, what is the difference between their fast food and restaurant fast food?


    P.S. and yes, they were shocked when I grew up and did not want this!

  • garybuss

    Thanks Detective, You wrote:

    It makes you wonder how a parent could look at their small child and knowingly walk into a situation where they ~knew~ that their choice would forever limit their childs choices. And that the freedom that they explored which ultimately brought them to the JWs, was something they were going to deny their children.

    Awesome post! Thanks so much for writing it.

    Thanks to Mrs. Shakita, Dedalus, Astec, for your comments.

    Caligirl, They did not have a plan in case all they cherished and sacrificed for proved to be error. They were so committed they could not even imagine the enormous proportions of the error we are now seeing. I was a Witness all right, a witness to error. Now I am witnessing the attempts to hold it all together with warnings and more hype. Five Watch Tower Publishing Corporation presidents are dead and now there are no more identifiable leaders at all. It's over.

    My parents would have done fine as parents if they had just concentrated on preparing me for life rather than preparing me for death and destruction. And they were shocked when I grew up and did not want their lifestyle.


    The Way I See it

  • caligirl

    Gary - I agree that most did not and do not think past the fact that they might be putting their faith in something false and what they would do if none of it happened. They have now been in it for so long that they are malleable enough to continue to change with the doctrinal tide. Not to mention that the thought of building an actual life might be too traumatic to contemplate after this long. One can still hope though!

    I think that they very badly needed to beleive in something because of their life experiences up to that point. I don't think that the thought ever entered their mind that all of their children would say "No thanks" to what they had chosen. They have at various times claimed to be thinking people who do have doubts, but they have thus far refused to actually voice those doubts or take the initiative to do any personal research.

    I can honestly say that I am not angry with them for trying to do what they thought was best for their children. It helps that they have chosen to maintain a close relationship with all of us despite our departure from witness land - I might feel differently if they allowed my right to choose my own way of life to sever our relationship. So far blood is thicker than their devotion to all things watchtower, at least in the shunning department.

  • garybuss

    Hi Caligirl, You wrote:

    They have now been in it for so long that they are malleable enough to continue to change with the doctrinal tide.

    That has to be the key. Good point!

    I'm glad you have rational parents who do not shun you. Ink is thicker than blood in my parent's family. My parents chose to be messengers for the Watch Tower Publishing Corporation's divisive strategies and those strategies diffused my family. They have abused my trust and they are not getting any more access to my family.

    My parents have not contacted me in over 8 years and I am not sitting by the phone. Actually I am too busy enjoying my life without them to think much about them. My 2 sons are very much a part of my life and we have two step grandchildren and our first grandchild on the way. All good stuff. The strife is all behind us.

    High control religious group enforcement agents are not welcome here.


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