Corporate Corruption (major vent!)

by Billygoat 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Billygoat

    Some of you know the work issues I went through last year. I worked at a company that was pretty new (a dot com) but owned by two huge corporations that will never run out of money. Anyways, the two men I worked with were the biggest backstabbing, unethical people I've ever met. They had no qualms about cheating our customers out of money during contract negotiations. On top of that, they were both pretty chauvanistic and HATED that I was a female working in a male-dominated industry. The mental and emotional turmoil was endless and I ended up resigning last August after 18 months. Since then I've waited tables and temped. Things were really tight, but bills were paid and we ate. Besides, I needed the emotional down-time to heal from the abuse.

    In March I found a temp job that paid REALLY well with a company that was doing very well. (Pharmaceutical company) I started the job knowing it was a 90-day temp-to-hire position. It was an executive level administrative position that gave me a lot of freedoms and responsibility. The two directors I supported are GREAT! The two other admins I work next to are GREAT! Everything in the job seemed suited to my skillset and I did a good job. Everyone said they were thrilled I was there and couldn't wait to get me fulltime. I felt I had found my new career home. So what's the problem, you ask?

    Three weeks ago, both of my directors (ahead of schedule) submitted requests to our corporate headquarters to get me on full-time. It was rejected due to lack of budget. (Yeah right! One of my directors spent $20K on a 10-person 2-day meeting last month without batting an eye-lash!) Well, two weeks ago, one of the divisions I support had a major reorg...and it's not done...more changes are coming. I've found out this is just the beginning of a massive company-wide reorg. (I've just learned McKinsey & Company have been hired. Ugh.) The earliest they said would be August before I got budgeted in. Three more months! I thought "No biggie. I'll just wait it out. It pays WAY more than any other temp job."

    This past Monday one of my directors resigned. He resigned because he said there is some illegal activity going on. Contracts are being made with some of our clients that go against government rulings. If they knew, we'd be under MAJOR investigation by the Department of Justice. He gave me details as to how he feels our company is in jeopardy of investigation. I was surprised and scared. He is a wonderful man and I have no reason to NOT believe him. Complete honesty is a trait of his I've noticed myself. He said he knew he was in for a fight when he wrote his resignation. That he anticipated if they didn't correct the issue, that he would have a lawsuit on his hands. He said he doesn't mind being a whistle-blower. One of our products is a controlled substance, which the FDA regulates. The contracts I'm mentioning, my director claims go completely against FDA regulations.

    Today this director was "checked out" by management. (The return of laptop, car keys, ID badges, etc.) After he left, the admins in the office (me and the other girls) were instructed to lock his office, send his computer to headquarters, and NOT to discuss this with anyone else in the company, for the "security of the company." If anyone asked about him, we were to say "He is no longer with the company" and give NO MORE details. Later next week, a representative from headquarters would be here to "clean out his office."


    Why is it there is so much corruption in the corporate world? Why is it I always seem to have to work for the companies that do it? I'm so tired of it. I haven't personally done anything wrong, but I hate the idea of supporting a company that isn't on the up and up. It makes my skin crawl.

    I've wanted to get my photography business off the ground, but I have no idea how to do it. I know I have talent. I know I can do this good enough to make money out of it. The idea of starting my own business scares the bejesus out of me and I have no clue where to begin. I just know that I am tired of working for companies that are only concerned with making money and don't care how they make it. Is there no honesty in the corporate world anymore? Is it all like this?

    Thanks for listening. If you've gotten this far in this post I truly appreciate your patience. I'm so depressed. This totally sucks.


  • xenawarrior


    Yep- it sucks!! That is why I work for a small business- I can't stand the politics and the dishonesty etc. that comes with a lot of big business.

    I have many years of small business marketing experience under my belt and if you are interested, I'll share whatever I can with you. If you are interested, PM me your email addy and we can hook up on this.

    In the meantime, hang in there sweetie !!!!


  • blackout

    Hi Andi

    What a bummer, If you like PM me with your email address and we can chat about starting a small business. If you start it part time while you do other work, that is usually the best then slowly build it up. I have started two small businesses from scratch and can give you lots of info, good books to read, pitfalls to avoid, tips on doing a business plan, swot analysis etc. Happy to be a mentor for someone, I have a few good mentors myself and they have helped no end!

    Cheers Blackie

  • Joyzabel

    Hi Billygoat,

    (edited to explain this is Jst2laws who posted with checking again who's name was logged into the computer)

    This is the way it is. It is a little easier for the big companies to become indifferent to the human element and to justify behavior that eventually becomes criminal because there is something about individual responsibility desolving into the grand pool of corporate responsibility.

    I do feel compelled to suggest, unless your husband can pay the bills on his income alone, this is not a good time to start a photography business. The best time to start a business is when you do not need the income from it. Is that where your are at this point?

    I'm am sorry you found something you liked and they liked you, but Hit Shappens. Its like a car accident when everything was going so good that day. You will survive Andi. You have been through so much worse before. You will be where you deserve to be some day and will look back and say "well it looked good at the time but I'm glad it turned out the way it did.".

    You have a lot going for you now Andi. Don't loose sight of it.


  • Francois

    Gonna start your own bidness. Well since you axed, I can give you some advice since I've had a couple of bidnesses myself.

    You gotta have capital. Money. Coin of the realm. Legal tender. Swag. Loot.

    You need to be found. The entire proposition of a photography business (or any other) is to couple you up with the people who need what you're selling. There is lots of money to be made in commercial and industrial photography. Product pictures, pictures of the executives, etc. So companies that have lots of products that require sales literature, collateral materials are perfect. Perhaps you could put on a show of your stuff and invite every advertising manager in town to come see your stuff. Buy cheap advertising. Do some pro bono work for high school students to get yourself known. All you want is they should spell your name right.

    Can you write? Do a photo special for the newspaper on some interesting human interest story with lots of pix. Don't ask the paper ahead of time, just do it and take the finished product to the features editor. They're always looking for stuff to fill up those empty pages. I did that for a paper in Atlanta once, and they ran my feature on the front page and paid me $300.00, gave me an I.D. card from the paper and BINGO, I was a regular reporter for them and worked on assignment for several years. I just showed up with my piece already baked and out of the oven. They loved it.

    You can put up a website. You should. Any company these days who doesn't have a web presence is regarded as being out of date, like a buggy whip company.

    Suggest you take a course in basic business accounting. Find out about tax law as it applies to you. Once I made a $3.71 error in a 941 form and it took three years of letter writing and frustration and threats from the IRS to fine me $30,000.00 in civil penalties to correct it.

    I know a guy in Atlanta that's supported himself ever since high school doing commercial photography. He bought only the best equipment and sent out all his developing. Doing it himself added too much unrecoverable cost to his business. He still had a dark room for his, um, special photography.

    But you likely know most of this stuff. Just keep it before your eyes that your main job ain't gonna be photography. It's gonna be selling your talents, coupling yourself with people who need your kinda work.

    And remember - the race goes not always to the's to the persistent one, the one who will not be beaten down to whom the prize goes.

    Go woman.


  • ballistic

    I don't know about corruption, but I have now worked for three extremely large global corporations who have laid me off for cheaper labour in the North, Scotland or Mumbai, India. My current role lasts until September.

  • WildHorses

    I hope it is just that I watch to many movies but, this sent a chill up my spine.

    Today this director was "checked out" by management. (The return of laptop, car keys, ID badges, etc.) After he left, the admins in the office (me and the other girls) were instructed to lock his office, send his computer to headquarters, and NOT to discuss this with anyone else in the company, for the "security of the company." If anyone asked about him, we were to say "He is no longer with the company" and give NO MORE details. Later next week, a representative from headquarters would be here to "clean out his office."

    I hope this guy will be safe.

  • Amazing

    HI Andi:

    While I believe most people are basically honest and hold to good social values, there is corruption in many places ... I have some recent stories to tell, including an investigation that I am working on as I write this. I also find similar corruption in government as in the corporate world. I recently got into trouble with a government person simply by speaking the truth. Then today, a corporate person through their attorney are attempting to screw an associate of mine by attemtping to see to it he is not paid. They are mega-millionaires, and he is an average working stiff of modest means.

    I honestly know if good and integrity to positive values will win out ... but, unless good people keep up the fight, goodness and decency have no chance.

    I appreciate you sharing your experience in the corporate jungle. You inspired me to post a few accounts of my own experiences. Thanks again. - Jim W.

  • MegaDude
    I've wanted to get my photography business off the ground, but I have no idea how to do it.

    I would contact somebody that is already doing it and retrace their steps. Hmmm, is there anybody you could ask?

    Ditto on what Jst2laws said. If money is an issue, now is not the time to start your own business, unless you could do it on weekends only or free-time and pursue it on the side.

    Just my two sense, Billy.

  • Billygoat


    Thanks so much you guys. Today was such a terrible day. I've felt so comfortable in this job. Like it was made for me. It bothered me to witness some colleagues leave the company during this reorg, but to see my favorite director resign just really upset my applecart. He is a good and honest man that came out of retirement for this job two years ago. He just really enjoys working! I've always considered myself a realist with this whole cult thing having hurt me so badly. But I guess this situation's made me realize there is still a part of my that is very much idealist. *shaking head* Not to sound like a Pollyanna, but I just cannot believe that people don't have issues making money illegally. I really just don't get it.

    A surprising update tonight though. This afternoon I called the director that resigned and left him a message to get back with me at my home number. I mentioned he accidentally left some personal effects at the office and wanted to know what to do with them. It was really an excuse to speak with him privately about the issue at hand. His call tonight caught me off guard as I didn't think he'd really call, but he did. And we had a lovely conversation! I expressed my sadness at his departure, but told him that I respected his decision to leave. I also explained that it has made me rethink whether or not I want to go permanent there. He said he understood. He in turn told me that he felt privileged to work with me and thought I would go far in whatever I do. He said he thought with the new senior management in the reorg, that things would be handled properly. At least that's what he hoped. He had spoken with the VP of his division this afternoon and they had a very friendly conversation about how things would be changing. Having worked in the corporate BS for 6 years now, I'll believe it when I see it. After the "tone" of the office air this morning, I'm not sure they aren't just blowing smoke up his @$$ to keep him off their backs.

    Anyways, Neil reminded me tonight that my job does not make ME. I have an identity all my own outside of my career. Which I think is a difficult thing for me to remember. I've always poured my heart and soul into my jobs. Even if it was just waitressing. I've always been ambitious and successful at my jobs. It's hard not to take these type of things too close to heart.

    Thank you all for sharing your experience and advice. Some of it has given me some really great ideas. I've toyed with creating a CD "resume" of some of my work and sending it to some local studios. Perhaps I could get some experience with a studio already up and running before I get into it on my own. Mega, Mark and I have already been talking. Actually, he's been instrumental in inspiring me! I actually got to go on one of his shoots the other day, which was awesome! *sigh* One of these days. One of these days...

    Love to all of you,


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