Corporate Corruption (major vent!)

by Billygoat 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • SixofNine

    And I thought I'd put you off of photography for good, lol. Hey (((Andi))), when it gets you down, just think of how boring the corporate world would be without any intrigue! Heck, you might get to be interviewed by the FBI. And if that doesn't cheer you up, think of how boring that shoot was. (I want you to see the pics though, to see what we did.)

  • SixofNine

    ps... good points from Neil about your career not being you. It's important to be happy no matter what our job is, and sometimes that is just a decision (happiness) we have to make.

    Still you have to be careful, or you'll find yourself deciding you are happy (when you're really not) in a situation that is in reality impossible for yourself. Maybe it's just me, but I guess I can be fooled into thinking I'm happy when I'm really just numb. That is where I was with the JW religion, and I've also been there in certain jobs. Hopefully never again!

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Andi I so understand what you are going through. In the last 3 years I have had two jobs. The first one was OK but my bosses were really bad. Unethical, nasty difficult people to work for. I stuck it out for the clients. The second job I thought was made for me when I got there. I loved the work. I loved the clients. I thought they made this job just for me.

    In both jobs I had three bosses. In both jobs one boss was wonderful but no one listened to her. In both jobs the next bosses were effective and good but real loud-mouths. And in both jobs the boss with the power used it to control and manipulate others.

    My last 2 months on the job were so terrible I am taking time off the recover.

    And while I have some time I am writing. And sending out my book to see if I can get it published.

    Go for it. Work when you have to but take pictures. Take lots and lots of pictures. Develop your portfolio. Let it be your second job.

    Dreams are worth having we just have to work for them first

  • Trotafox


    Oh don't even get me started. You're not alone. God help my Company if the labor market ever changes. They are going to be leaving in droves. My Company is run by a micro-managing control-freak tyrant who manages by fear and intimidation, plays favorites, tells everyone how stupid and worthless they are, has fired 3 CFO's in less than 3 years, laid off hundreds of people without even looking at performance, service, or personal situation, will not approve any replacement hiring for employees who terminate, has turned the place into a sweatshop, and is getting a real kick out of collecting his millions along the way. Smug S.O.B.! He reminds me of Nicolae Carpathia (a.k.a. Satan...from the "Left Behind" series by LaHaye & Jenkins).

    Why do I stay? Been there off and on since 1976 and have too much invested at my age. However, I sure would like to get a real estate investment business going if my health would improve. The stress is so bad at work that it's taking a toll on my health. Of course, that's probably part of the S.O.B.'s plan. Out with the old and in with the new, even though I work longer hours than my boss.


  • foreword

    Don't fear it, just do it.

    There's is always an element of stress involved when you start a business. You need to find who needs your services (you probably have an idea who they are). At first selling your services is the key, actually selling yourself is the key. You seem to have a great smile and plus you are honest, so people will love doing business with you.

    So to start, remember that selling is your primary job (you need the customers). Once you've pinpointed the demographics of your customer, attack like there is no tomorrow. Go see them, talk the talk, and some will buy from me. I've started businesses without even printing business cards and have gotten better money than those in regular jobs, it's all about confidence and selling.

    However, before you sell, you need to know what other people charge for the same services. This is important cause at first you will need to underbid them. Be careful, do not underbid too much, just slightly under their price, and sometimes be ready to walk away (if they are cheap bastards). I've noticed that sometimes when customers care too much about the money, it's no fun working for them cause they are too demanding. Work for those who like who you are and not your price, you'll have fun doing it and make friends in the process.

    The important question is..."Can I deliver the product?". So in your case, you need to make sure you have the equipment to produce quality. And if not, you might need to subcontract some of the work, rent extra equipment, but never say this to your customer. They need to feel you are in total control. Keep the credit to yourself. But make sure you know your costs before you quote a price.

    Always, and always, listen to what the contract requires, but return home to think before you give a price, especially if it's custom work, which in your case will most likely be 90% of the time. People who have money and want quality, will usually understand that you can't give them a price right away. Beware of those who want a price on the spot.

    There's nothing mysterious about business, all it is is this. Find the prospect, do the work and collect the money. Skip all the SBA bullshit about a business plans and all the tralala, unless you need a loan. I've seen people waste enormous amounts of time trying to figure out a business plan, and never got in business. Business is about meeting people who need your services, so the only business plan you need is to know who those people are. You'll have plenty of time to figure out the mechanics of business as you go.

    Just go get the money. And please, don't be afraid to ask for a retainer. It's part of doing business.

    Roll up your sleeves, meet people and you'll soon realize there's was no mystery to the whole thing.

    Good luck and have fun.

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