Is it possible that someone who gives really gushing comments might still be awake?
by Isambard Crater 15 Replies latest jw friends
Isambard Crater
Of the 50% of congregants who regularly participate, many of them give gushing answers about how appreciative they are, how wonderful is and so on, which makes me think nobody in my congregation is awake. But maybe it's possible for someone who comes across as super spiritual to be awake? I can't see how, though, as surely it's emotionally draining to fake it like that? -
I think that sometimes they gush like billy-o to cover over their doubts - to convince themselves as much as anyone else. Either that or they're sycophantic fools.
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Who knows? If a person was awake and wanting to stay "under cover", then I suppose that's how to do it.
i know a fair amount of these gushing types, and it seems to me that it is more of a one-up-manship contest. Who can say the most gushy things about the GB,, the convention, meetings, etc. ? The gushing I have seen is always over something organizational--man made! I rarely hear gushing about Jehovah or Jesus.
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My husband's family always speaks very highly of the "Jehovah's organization" and how blessed they feel to be one of His people. Last time I read the Bible, Jesus said it was His church? They always say how happy Jehovah's people are but they're all on depression and anxiety medication! And all their conversations are negative in nature. I went into a discussion recently with them and they said that if what they believed wasn't in the Bible then they wouldn't be a Jehovah's Witness. Well I brought up some passages that are pretty basic Bible truths and they had no idea what I was talking about. Instead I got the answer, "That one is too hard for me." There was a lot of deer in headlights look for me because I couldn't believe some of the things that was said to me in some discussions. They teach them how to spit back information told to them but they can't debate a topic.
This past weekend they kept talking about "the Society." I was reading a recent thread on this forum and isn't that considered an apostate term?
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Half banana
I do know of a fully awake JW who does indeed spout the party line but only to emphasise how stupid it is. Popularity within the club membership is based on how heroic you are in defending the club rules.
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This happens in North Korea, as it happened in Jim Jones's cult in Guyana, and in Nazi Germany. Come across as a "true believer" so you'll be left alone. Hey, you might even start believing it if you do it often enough.
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breakfast of champions
I think that sometimes they gush like billy-o to cover over their doubts - to convince themselves as much as anyone else. - PUNK
I think PUNK's comment is spot on, but this is regarding someone with doubts.
As for those awakening/awakened (e.g. my wife) they do not comment at all, let alone give gushing comments.
I think my wife would rather vomit.