I have to admit that I was the "salvation" of many a conductor. If it looked like they were hanging there waiting for someone to raise their hand, I would raise mine. Even after I stopped attending, when I ran into him, he said he really missed my comments.
There were 2 of us that consistently saved the conductor, but waited until it was tense.
The year I was "awake" before I finally just stopped going, I would answer ones that were not doctrinal and answer ones that made a point.
Example: I counted how many elders, their wives, ministerial servants, their wives, and pioneers, I come up with 25 people and there are 19 paragraphs. I would love to hear these people comment more and share their wisdom and experience with us and their love for God and Jesus.
-------------Things picked up and no, I was not taken back to the back room and chastised.