What weird habits do you have?

by JH 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • drwtsn32
    I'm obsessive/compulsive, so I have enough of these to write a book.

    My most pervasive habits are counting and touching. I count things and organize them in sets of magic numbers and I touch things or draw lines on them with my finger to tell myself that whatever the object is is "set." I don't expect that to make any sense, but those are two of my weird habits.

    Oh, those things make perfect sense to someone else with OCD. My wife does weird things like that too.

  • drwtsn32
    I eat food off of the floor.

    Remind me never to go to your house for dinner.

  • KGB

    Hey ! Who the heck told ? LOL

  • drwtsn32
    Each car I follow, I look at the plates and make a word with the 3 letters on the plate. AHL 485 would make ass hole.

    No, it would make you a hairbrained lunatic.

  • els

    I do the thing with license plates too. I was the head waitress at the restaurant and the letters on mine were BHW. To me it was Bitchy Head Waitress but my best friend always said it was Big Hairy Waitress. I sleep no matter what, but I have to at least have a strip of sheet across my middle. If it is hot I stick one leg out and then I'm ok. If I go out for breakfast I have to have my eggs and meat on a seperate plate from my french toast or waffles. I can't stand syrup on my eggs. I love when I'm exhausted. I talk to my cat and she talks back, but that's not wierd at all. I always have a token for the Newport Bridge in my car so if I have a full tank of gas but no money I can just take off and visit my brother and sister in law if the urge hits me. I've never gone without planning it but I could if I wanted. i always leave the last bite of my hot dog bun. els

  • els

    I mean I sleep no matter what. And why can't I get my posts to come out with paragraphs in them?

  • els

    Oh my God, my computer won't put in the words n a k e d or s e x.

  • JH
    I like to go to Super Walmart at 2 am.

    All we have is a Walmart... and it closes at 9PM. I'm jealous...

    Talking about shoping centers, I never park next to other cars, because too often I had little door dents because the other fool opened his door on my car. So now I always park about 10 spaces away from the next car. HA HA, no more dents.

  • DFWnonJW

    I can't think of a one and that's quite upsetting too. No oneder I feel so out of place around here.

  • Aztec
    Each car I follow, I look at the plates and make a word with the 3 letters on the plate.

    Aaaah! I do that too! My license plate has REJ and I can't come up with anything other than "reject".

    I'm obsessivly neat at work and completly messy at home.

    When I'm bored I deliberatly get myself lost just to see if I can find my way out again.

    I do everything the hard way, just for fun. I do mean everything!

    I put cayenne pepper or hotsauce on just about everything.

    That's enough for now!


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