JH: Your brakes would do better going through puddles it washes out the excess break dustThnak you Bendar for spotting my spelling error
Me him weird habits:
I have to have sex with Thunder to sleep good
I pluck my eyebrows everyday
I wash my hair every day (maybe more)
I shower up to three times a day, I have to shower before I go to bed.
When I cook I use umpteen paper towels and wash my hands incessantly
I shave my legs every night
I put on deoderant although I never have BO but heck what if I didn't and did
I have to have my bed made before I can sleep, I also sleep with my Mickey Mouse blankie no matter how hot it is.
I buy stuff and Thunder wonders why and sometimes it can be three years I will find the perfect place for the stuff.
I have to weed and throw the weeds away I can't dead head and throw it in my garden
I brush my teeth A LOT I am very obssessed with my teeth in fact.
I will work on my poetry or stories in my head forever before I ever write them down
I will tolerate my home with clutter but not a dirty house.
Oh Raspberry, anything Raspberry I have to lotion my face and entire body every night and have my ears q-tipped or I feel horrible.
GEESH and I thought JH had issues LOL