Well, I did it...I called up the Society

by logansrun 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • logansrun

    What for, you ask? Well, I think it was psychologically healthy, perhaps. You see, I never did dissassociate myself and was never disfellowshipped. I never had the "officialness" of it all. Plus, I've been extremely disturbed at things in the Watchtower world of late (does anyone else feel that way? LOL) I had the urge to SCREAM.

    Well, I didn't scream . But, I was able to get on the phone with someone from Writing and tell them, calmly, what I thought of their organization, especially the extremely inflammatory rhetoric used in publications denouncing the rest of the world, especially ex-witnesses. I read a paragraph from the July 15, 2003 Watchtower (pg. 22) which talked about propaganda and how Hitler demonized the Jews by calling them "evil", "degenerate", "wicked" etc. I then read a sentence from the notes of someone who attended this years convention which stated, "Do not return to the apostate doctrinal vomit." How is this not propagandistic in nature, I asked. All he stated (over and over) is "well, we have to go by the scriptures."

    I then related how my two uncles are both disfellowshipped, one for over 20 years (who I don't know) and the other for about six months. The latter is trying to get reinstated , but is still being shunned by everyone. Yeah, and he is practically clinically depressed for this very reason. He's devastated and has called up my mother crying numerous times (she allows that, God bless her). The last thing this man needs in his mid-life crisis is for all his friends and most of his family to shun him. I asked this Bethel fellow if most psychologists would agree that shunning was "helping" him. He chuckled and just stated "well, what do the scriptures say."

    Nothing was resolved. I was calm and pleasant throughout this conversation (and he was too). It's just mind-boggling how utterly blinded people can be in an organization like this. You know some people that are really smart and really stupid all at the same time? That's how I view people like this, and the organization as a whole.

    I ended by saying that I don't hate Jehovah's Witnesses, but am disgusted by the psychological pain they have caused me and countless others. That was the end of that.

    Do I feel better? Only a tad. But, hey, I had to give it a try.


  • LovesDubs

    Logan...they are all society atomatons. Just because its wound up, walking and moving its lips, doesnt mean it hears you, understands you or gives a flying crap about you. :) But hey...it doesnt hurt to vent, and who knows maybe this guy was being watched AND recorded but you were getting to a part of him deep down inside? ><

  • DanTheMan

    He chuckled and just stated "well, what do the scriptures say."

    More like, what does the SOCIETY say?

    Their shunning practice is pretty shakey scripturally speaking.

  • logansrun


    Yeah, I hear you. Actually, the thought that I might be reaching a part of this man's conscience crossed my mind. Unfortunately, he sounded like an older man so what are the chances he's willing to even think about changing. Some part of me just had this incredible urge to say something. Call it some weird integrity within me, I don't know.

    Dan the Man,

    Your right. In fact, I told him that what the Bible said about "disfellowshipping" -- which is a made up word I might add -- is open to interpretation. He asked what other interpretations I had read. "Well, Ray Franz has a chapter dealing with the 'Use and Misuse of Disfellowshipping.'" He completely ignored this statement and went on again how we each need to decide for ourselves what we believe and that the organization follows the Bible. Methinks he didn't want to talk about Ray.


  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Bro Brad: Well I suppose you had to do it for your own sake.Ive been back to meetings a couple times myself but I only needed to go once or twice before I knew I couldnt go back again. That energy draining Public talk, that mind numbing WT study, the passivity was more than could be born !!

    Ringing the society was something I never thought of and Im surprised that he talked at length to you. Good for you anyway, I hope you feel better for it.

  • DevonMcBride


    I wouldn't be one bit surprised if this man deep down agrees with you and may even feel the same way you do. So many at WT have doubts but have no where to go if they left.

  • myself
    Your right. In fact, I told him that what the Bible said about "disfellowshipping" -- which is a made up word I might add -- is open to interpretation. He asked what other interpretations I had read. "Well, Ray Franz has a chapter dealing with the 'Use and Misuse of Disfellowshipping.'" He completely ignored this statement and went on again how we each need to decide for ourselves what we believe and that the organization follows the Bible. Methinks he didn't want to talk about Ray.

    I was thinking the same thing about interpretation, and misuse. They like to argue that the Bible does not say purgatory anywhere. They feel it wrong for others to interpret, yet it is okay for them to do so. Sure they say everyone has to decide for themselves, but if you aren't in agreement with what they tell you, even when they are proven wrong you are treated as if you don't exist.

  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    I think they would have to agree that "Everyone" that goes to the KH is probably doing something that they should be "shunned" for.

    So they are being selective in their shunning..showing favoritism towards certain ones.

    When I disassociated myself..I didn't want them to think I wanted to be a part of their organization anymore. So I told them. Now I shun them!

    I have nothing to do with my JW MIL and sis and brother in law since hubby died. I want nothing to do with them or their hurtful religion. They helped destroy my hubby before he died. I have nothing but contempt for the JW's. Some say it is the religion..I say it is the people also. They are the ones doing and saying the spiteful and hurtful things..and using the bible in a twisted way to do it!...

    They are being unusually cruel to people and NOT following the bible if they shun them when they are trying to become a JW again. (Prodical son) Unless they just don't like them for some reason...

    And it doesn't sound like that brother was very caring. It sounded more like he was mocking you!..

    Why would someone want to go back to something like that?..Other than they are holding your family hostage and that is the only way you can see them again?

    Snoozy..aka..Golden Girl..

    Who is not having one of her best days..

  • Shakita

    I use to believe that calling the society is like screaming in the wind....no one will hear you.

    But, this morning I read in an email what the WT is putting Bill Bowen through, and let me tell you, THEY DO HEAR YOU. Not only are they hearing you, but they are most probably recording every word you say to them over the phone.

    The WT organization is afraid.....like a wild animal is when it is frightened.....it will do anything to save itself. From what I have read, it seems like the organization is this wild animal fighting to stay alive, or in the very least, trying to escape with the least amount of damage done to itself.

    The more I read posts like yours and the email about Bill Bowen, I have come to the conclusion that this organization is too corrupt to save. I use to believe that with New Light shed on certain issues like shunning and disfellowhipping, they could be mainstreamed into the world of "real" religion. I no longer hold such hope. I will continue to help my family members who are JW's see the organization for what it really is....a CULT.

    Mrs. Shakita

  • Hamas

    A good attempt, I know It is worthwhile to get it out of your system.

    It is extreemly annoying knowing that some people are like caged animals in a spiritual zoo, unable to see past a crazy mental blockade their spiritual rulers place on their heads.

    We try our best to free these people, but some people just don't want to know. I guess they are meant to be like that; the Organization is everything to them.

    There are times when I feel like venting my anger out on the Watchtower Society, but calling them makes no difference. Attacking the outside will do nothing, to see the Watchtower fall we must attack the core.


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