Reported cases are not the total cases. The UK government advisor said that 700 identified cases probably means 5000 to 10,000 actual cases in the country. In the UK they are going to stop general testing (insanity!) only testing those with serious illness instead. So the official count will become even more unreliable from now on. The death count should be a reliable figure however, and in many countries it is increasing exponentially. (Apart from South Korea, Singapore, and a few other countries who are tackling it seriously and new cases are dropping in number.)
“I’m young and healthy so coronavirus won’t affect me” (why we need to stop this disease at ALL costs!)
by slimboyfat 43 Replies latest social current
Nobody is saying don't take precautions, but there is no reason to be afraid.
THIS /\ /\ /\ /\ /\
There is a hell of a lot of difference between reasoned concern and preparedness and the full blown panicked insanity that so many are falling prey to. And for that one can thank the media hype.
I’m an epidemiologist. When I heard about Britain’s ‘herd immunity’ coronavirus plan, I thought it was satire
The "do nothing" attitude and widespread mocking of preppers*, I admit, has caused me to lose more of my ever-dwindling supply of respect for homo sapiens.
*I don't mean this in the general, bunker and CB radio sense. I mean people who are preparing rationally to survive the pandemic and its aftermath. -
Herd immunity isn’t a political idea it’s actually a scientific concept.
It’s still very likely that this will become a seasonal with the majority building immunity.
That’s if society survives in the meantime.
You mean the 99 percent who arent dying from it?
I'm 73 this month, hence born in 1947. I've lived thru the Asian Flu of 1957-58 and the Hong Kong Flu of 1968-69. Both of these originated in Asia and both were declared and considered Pandemic events. They were both worldwide and were spread by travelers and soldiers (especially during 1968-69 when troops were returning from Vietnam).
Did I say that they were Pandemic events??????
Both pandemics events spread quickly world wide and affected millions---But the actual death toll was relatively small.
Both lasted a few months.
Both scared my jw mom shitless. We were all gonna die !
Thank god (or whatever) that we didn't have the internet back in 1958 and 1968. Not saying this flu isn't bad, but learn from history and be cool!
just saying!
I forgot to mention that after the big 1957-58 Asian Flu pandemic, That very summer, 250,000 jw's from around the world, merrily descended on NYC for a International Convention. I was there because somehow I survived the Asian Flu.
Then in the summer of 1969 immediately after the 1968-69 Hong Kong Flu pandemic, jw's were once again merrily gathering at huge conventions all summer. I was at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles, California with 59,000.
just Saying!
I was at a supermarket yesterday grabbing person coughing, today at the gas station store, two people doing that too..., without even bothering to cover their mouths!
With people like such idiots the virus is gonna be very difficult to contain!
Herd immunity isn’t a political idea it’s actually a scientific concept.
Spolier: have you seen positive proof that herd immunity is even a thing? That you can't re-catch it? Apparently, coronaviruses don't always behave like other flu's, which means being re-infected could be a possibility which would make it 10x worse than it already is.
Now, why do you supposed everywhere is taking such drastic actions?