Pettygrudger appreciation day!

by Aztec 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • outnfree

    Day-um!, Azzy!

    I was gonna start an "I love Prettygrudger!" thread early tomorrow morning (so that obiwan could get in on the lovefest, too), so now I'll just have to say now, what I was going to then:

    I love Pettygrudger! She is neither petty, nor grudging. Rather, she is expansively caring and hugely empathetic! And very loquacious, too!

    Thanks for the girltalk last night, (((((((((Rhonda)))))))))))!


  • WildHorses

    Yep, she be one of th gooduns.

  • Stephanus

    I agree with Robyn: Rhonda rocks!


    3 Cheers for Pettygrudger, from your Canuckistani neighbour, just next door.

  • Brummie

    Drat I almost missed this thread and I wanted to be first to reply :(

    Petty YOU ROCK! Cool calm and collected Petty, always encouraging and gracious! I cant say enough good things about you dearest.

    Brummie (*she's of maaaa bitch* class)

  • pettygrudger

    Yea (((Brummie)) - you better say that - I am a Brummie B*tch after all! Hey - for the Cedar POinte anti-JW convention I'm having a T-shirt made up in your honor - it's going to be black with Brummie's Bitch on it (i'll try & get a pic for ya!). I think I'll try to scan your avatar & put it on the back as well!

    Love you guys - (((Stephanus))) - funniest guy I know - you won't believe how much your humor has really brightened up many a bad day! I only hope you get twice as many the smiles from that you bestow on others (although that still means you'd spend the entire day laughing your *ss off)!

    Rayzor (hope to meet ya in Cedar Pointe for the anti-JW convention!) - thanks so much for the kind words. Carrie has said so many nice things about you - and from your posts you seem one heck of a guy!

    ((Brenda)) - I like having "girl" talks - we have to do that again soon! You are so kind, loving and caring to all people here - I consider it an honor to call you a friend. I only hope that in time I'm able to give you 1/2 the support & friendship you have shown me.

    Shari - you are so sweet - I hope when we vacation down in North Carolina this summer, I would like the chance to meet up w/ya! (we're gonna be visiting my friend "found" from here - and I believe she lives pretty near to you!).

    Robdar - I love you - you've always been so kind to me - and you're in North Carolina too (I think - right???) I'd love a chance to meet you as well - you are one terrific lady.

    Carrie - well, you know what I think of you (and that beautiful little boy of yours)....for all you single gentlemen out there - better catch her quick - she's one hell of a catch!

    Shera - thank you - but it is I who admires the choices you've made for the best possible chances for your son....I cannot help but have the greatest admiration & respect for you!!!!! Hopefully the book has arrived, and remember if you need ANYTHING - I'm here. Love you too

    You guys really made my day....thank you so much - you will never know how much this meant to me. Love all of you.

  • logansrun

    Oh yeah, well if Pettygrudger is so wonderful why hasn't she paid me back that ten bucks I loaned her?


    PS -- I'm just foolin Rhonda seems like a wonderful lady and I like her a lot in the brief exchanges we have had. Hell, we have at least two common enemies 'ya know.

  • pettygrudger

    (((Big Tex))) - for your caring compassion to me over on the other board, and for what a wonderfully warm caring person you are - Nina is one lucky woman (okay - but to even it out you are one lucky guy too - you guys are a couple that I truly admire)

    (((Matty))) - you have also always been so kind to me - what can I say about you (without getting my butt kicked) (nah - I love Spice too!)..thank you for the friendship & concern you have shown me as well!

    ((Rocketman)) - thank you - thank you thank you (I think after this I'm gonna need 3 "beers" - not cheers. Hey - are you coming to our little anti-JW convention?

  • pettygrudger

    Well, if you bring your butt here I could - but I didn't get the services that were promised me for those 10 bucks ya know!

    Thanks Bradley - I look forward to meeting you!

  • shera
    Shera - thank you - but it is I who admires the choices you've made for the best possible chances for your son....I cannot help but have the greatest admiration & respect for you!!!!! Hopefully the book has arrived, and remember if you need ANYTHING - I'm here. Love you too

    Thankyou very muchly Petty.....

    (the book hasn't arrived yet)

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