Hi Esmeralda:
Sorry you are seeing first hand how jealous and spiteful Jehovah's Witness women are! So, I guess the "love bombing" phase is truly over in your case and now they are circling you for the kill.
The thing that should stand out to you (among other posts here - especially Life is too Short's post) is how there is an ABSENCE OF BOUNDARIES among Witnesses - especially among the women.
As might have been mentioned on other threads, a person's financial status is NOBODY's business - as is the related question "How much did that cost you? Or "Is that new?".
Witnesses have their boundaries and sensibilities slowly eroded. The unnatural cult of "Confession" prevails and pretty soon your life (especially a single sister) is an open book and anybody can come along and tear out a page. So, not only do these bastards know your business, but you're getting an unwanted feedback - and they're telling you YOUR business. Imagine the nerve of somebody commenting on a TV that somebody has in their home! Well, why is everybody up your posterior?? You allowed it, slowly but surely.
This blabbing of the business (financial) leads to bad things: people lending money that the unaccountable bastards will never give back! And, also "Affinity Fraud"... certain unscrupulous people in high control groups, etc. convince gullible people to invest their savings in risky things. Guess who loses?
This is the evolution of what goes on in groups where people have no personal boundaries! Most of us had nobody to spell out what will go wrong if we joined such groups, so, learn a lesson, dear!