When you encounter a JW who doesnt know you, do you tell them you are an EX? or pretend otherwise?
Last night we were understaffed at work so had to call in an agency worker, I had to leave her in charge of 4 adults with autism while I did the rounds on call, every so often I called back to make sure she was coping ok. We got on well, chatted away and then at about 5am she starts witnessing to me...I end up coming home with 5 magazines..lol, she "placed" them with me.
I didnt want to tell her I was an exjw as it would have ruined the working relationship and made her feel uncomfortable. Yet I felt I was being a little dis-honest by pretending I was interested and taking the magazines from her.
My heart sank when she started witnessing to me, she was such a great lady and I felt real sorry for her as I watched her turn into a robot and waffle away the old Dan 2:44 etc.
Chances are I will be working with her again at some stage and I have told her that next time we meet we will discuss the magazines she "placed" with me.
aww poor thing - if anything this meeting reminded me how much I do care for them regardless of how I cant stand the filthy WT. They are victims. Perhaps next time I will tell her I am an exjw..dont know for sure if I should?