I just wanted to caution your family not to let the pain motivate you folks to do something rash you will later regret.
Good advice. I really don't know him. His mom is my cousin and I never really got to know him growing up. He wouldn't have anything to do with us after we left the org and got upset when anyone pointed out the family resemblance even.
I wouldn't do anything to retaliate. I agree that his cruelty is better ignored. I do worry for the girl who is about to marry him. If she knows fully the situation then great. If not, I'd want to know, wouldn't you? Shouldn't her father have some sort of understanding of how this man treats his mother and how the cult has influenced him to cut her off? What's to stop him from being cut off too? He's an unbeliever, just like Irene, the only difference is her father never joined.
Mostly just venting here, don't worry. The most I'd do is make sure the girl and her father knew the whole story.