This just shows how wrong the liberal media is and those that believe everything they espouse. Still, you will see haters still say , he’s not my president, he needs to be impeached, Mueller didn’t see the Russian collusion so Congress will have to do a better job. What an embarrassment!
The Mueller Report....will it affect Trump negatively?
by minimus 107 Replies latest jw friends
Coded Logic
This is such an embarrassment for Trump and the conservitive media. This whole time they've been trumpeting that this is "witch hunt". The new AG Bill Barr has stated clearly everything Mueller did was completely appropriate.
If Mueller's report is favorable to Trump than conservatives will do a 180 and start talking about what a fine guy he is. The Republican's have become a party that stands for nothing other than willful hypocrisy.
The Mueller Report is just the end of the beginning of the investigations. Mueller followed the DOJ policy of not indicting a sitting President which means whatever criminal activity Trump may have been involved in would not be included in any indictments. This doesn't mean there was no criminal activity, only that it cannot be prosecuted while he holds office.
There are 13+ ongoing investigations, plus whatever investigations Congress pursues.
Trump may not be guilty of anything. Too soon to say anything definitive at this point. Dems shouldn't be too quick to be discouraged, GOP should not be too quick to celebrate.
As divisive a man as Trump is, he would fit right in as a GB member. Repeat a lie long enough and loud enough and it becomes truth! Right?
Create and sell your own version of reality!
just saying!
This is such an embarrassment for Trump and the conservitive media. This whole time they've been trumpeting that this is "witch hunt" ... everything Mueller did was completely appropriate.
You're completely missing the point. You're either a fool or a stooge.
If there was no collusion then the 'evidence' of collusion that the whole thing was based on was a complete fabrication. That means the sitting president, Obama, the sleaze-ridden and let-off from prosecution candidate, Clinton, used government agencies to spy on and obstruct an opposition candidate and to then try to change the result of the election.
That should be utterly chilling to all those who had the audacity to try and make out that Trump is the dictator who will cling to power.
This was a coup attempt and there needs to be some repercussions otherwise what's to stop it happening again?
Coded Logic
Complete fabrication? If cops find blood all over the inside of your car but can't find a body - does that mean that any investigation of possible homicide is a "complete fabrication".
We know the Russian's made an intense and sustained effort to try and influence our election. We know that the FBI got word that people like George Papadopoulos had insight into these actions before our intelligence services even knew what was going on. We know that Manifort gave campaign polling data to a conduit for the GRU that would have been very helpful to Russian's social media campaign. And we know that Trump tried to shut down the investigation several times.
There is blood everywhere. It would have been negligence of the highest order if the FBI did not investigate. And, most importantly, not a single component of this investigation has been "fabricated".
We know ...
How do you think you know? Because of a dossier that Trump haters paid for using Clinton money to cobble together a case?
If you "know" then why didn't Mueller find evidence of collusion?
The fact is you know nothing. Less than nothing. You only think you know the lies you've been fed, which you lapped up and regurgitate endlessly.
There is blood everywhere. It would have been negligence of the highest order if the FBI did not investigate. And, most importantly, not a single component of this investigation has been "fabricated".
Right, and it didn't find the collusion. So what does that mean about the "evidence" of collusion used to start this thing? That it's wasn't evidence of it at all.
Now, if someone claims something is evidence but it turns out not to be, then that is false or faked isn't it?
THAT is someone trying to influence an election, to override the fair result which simply didn't go the way of Clinton and the dems despite them using the FBI to spy on their opponent and cling to power.
In your analogy, someone called the cops and said there was a body in a car and that Trump put it there. When investigated, there was no body ... there wasn't even a car.
Coded Logic
Yes, we know the Russian's made considerable efforts to influence the election. This has been backed up by every US intelligence agency and is not contested by any investigative body. More importantly, these conclusions have NOTHING to do with the Steel Dossier. If you would like, I can provide you with considerable public statements made by the FBI, CIA, DHS, State Department, NSA, and the National Cyber Security Division regarding Russian interference in our elections.
If someone claims something is evidence but it turns out not to be, then that is false or faked isn't it?
No. That's not true at all.
It can mean the evidence is inconclusive. It can mean the evidence was insufficient for the claim being made. It can mean the evidence was unable to be corroborate by another source. It can mean those looking at the evidence were mistaken about their initial conclusions. Etc.
I know you really like Trump. But this report could have come out over a year ago if Trump had simply agreed to sit down with Bob Mueller. Instead, he wanted to play hide the ball with the evidence. So Mueller had to interview hundreds of witnesses and subpoena thousands of documents to try and figure out what the President knew all the while wasting our tax payer dollars.
There's a piece of advice lawyers often give to people under investigation, "There's nothing you can do to make the investigation go any quicker. But there's a lot you can do to make it take longer."
Trump has only himself to blame for this presidential fiasco.
Brokeback Watchtower
Trump is exonerated.
Tump didn’t collude with the Russians?
Pah! Fake news!