Qwerty --
Interesting stuff, just wish you could have been around when I had a visit from one my local Elders. He's sticking to the WT societies view! I was not prepared to defend myself properly. I asked him - how could all secular history books be wrong, all he could say was that the society stick to biblical chronology!
Yeah, the Society against the whole world and all of evil Christendom <s>. But your elder probably didn't realize there are PLENTY of Bible scholars in Christendom who ALSO stick to Biblical chronology. They just calculate the 70 years FOR Babylon (not IN or AT Babylon) as running from 609 to 539 BCE, which meshes with what the secular historians say about the neo-Babylonian empire. I know the society tries to say they are the only ones who really believe the Bible and accept the Bible chronology of 70 years, but that's nonsense.
I printed out a chart from a non-apostate site showing the timeline of the Babylonian empire, with the 70 year period marked very clearly. I hope I get a chance to give this to Eve and her husband. Even if they aren't ready to believe the society could possibly be wrong, it does show that there ARE other Bible scholars who believe in "70 years". Small steps.
BTW, some scholars count an additional 70 year period (in addition to the one FOR Babylon), running from 586 (destruction of Jerusalem) to the rebuilding of the temple under Darius, completed in 516. I tried to bring this up with someone at my door about 8 years ago, but I don't believe the person had ever actually read Zechariah all the way through, and I made the mistake of giving too much info too fast.
I have never met a JW at the door who is well-acquainted with the relevant passages in Jeremiah or Zechariah. So I have learned to dumb it way down and just start off with a few questions and go from there. A lot of times I just have to settle with asking them to find me even ONE source that supports their idea that Jerusalem was detroyed in 607 BCE, and I promise them I will read it if they can find it.
By the way, how much did you pay for the WT CDROM? I am thinking of putting a 1993 addition up for auction on Ebay.
I probably paid too much for the CD. I got into a bidding war with someone, but since these are hard to come by I went up to $61. This was for the 2001 CD. Check with a guy called mbsurfer. He's the one who bid the price up on me, and I checked his history. He's bought other WT CD's, maybe he'll buy yours.