He mentions that he is positive that the Governing Body members truly feel they are doing their best, and that they truly believe they are Gods chosen channel.
I really have to wonder if they still think this. After their witch-hunt in Bethel in the early 1980s, trying to destroy anyone who even THOUGHT some of the doctrines might need to be re-evaluated, and after their complete destruction of Ray Franz' life and reputation, I seriously doubt whether these men might still actually believe all that they teach. They know without a doubt that their chronology of 607 BCE is completely without any basis, either biblical, historically, or archeologically yet they still are forcing the R&F Witness to believe this false doctrine on pain of being disfellowshipped for apostasy, and being cut off from all family and friends.
They are also well aware that their pedophile policies have created a monster: they protect criminals, they abuse victims and they split families apart, not in the name of Jesus or Jehovah, but to protect themselves. They KNOW what they're doing is wrong, yet, like the Pharisees, they are too stubborn to admit it. No one is going to tell THEM how to run their show.........I mean, religion. Unfortunately, like Dr. Frankenstein, they've overestimated their own intelligence and underestimated the monster they've created and it's gotten completely out of hand. And now they have to face the consequences of their actions, and of the people whose lives they've ruined.
Their actions speak louder than words and I think that deep down, at least some of the GB must realize that they are no more being channelled by God than any other religion on earth.