What happened or was said, that made you decide, enough is enough, I am out of here ??????
What was the "final straw" that made you leave the JW's ??????
by run dont walk 52 Replies latest jw friends
It was a combination of things for me. I was going through a divorce from an emotionally abusive husband who raped me, and the elders were trying to convince me to stay with him. My father (an elder) admitted to sexually abusing me, and the elders in his congregation said he could remain an elder even though he'd lied about it for 25+ years. I just completely rebelled at that point. I didn't want anything to do with them after that. I was angry.
I considered getting reinstated (DF'd for immorality) until I learned the doctrinal/organisational lies.
I remember one evening, in deep prayer, struggling with a very personal issue (my sexuality).
I prayed long and hard, tears rolling down my face for Jehovah to take this burden away from me. I was already auxiliary pioneering, taking in extra meetings, even extra weekend assemblies. But to no avail, the struggle was intense, and no service, prayer, extra meetings or assemblies could take it away.
I figured it was absolutely pointless.
In my head, at that time, I assumed Jehovah had lost favour with me, thus gave up.
So did I.
I was traveling back from a particually bad assembly day on the packed out coach, and the oldies on the coach were complaining because somebody opened the sun roof of the coach. On my way back, I simply decided never to go again.
I asked myself why I did go .... was their any point?
I haven't been seen since.
This was last October.
Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
The final straw was not one single point, but consisted of many facets, one of which was when one of the elders called to say that the 'older men' would like to meet with me to discuss evidence that I had been seen 'regularly' buying lottery tickets. I immediately thought - "well fock you" - knowing of several cases of more 'gross misconduct' which was not being dealt with by the BOE. That was it for me - they could jam the so-called truth up their arses.
cheeses - of the not to be facked with at the time class.
Provable lying by the elders (they didn't care, it was to save their rears), and the cruelty and deliberate nastiness. No mark of true Christianity, love. But I had to see it in action several times before I believed it.
Blondie (see it, believe it, leave it)
During the "scriptural admonishment" phase of my JC, an elder told me that I was a "spiritual babe". He said this very emphatically. It's hard to explain the dynamics of the situation and why that statement p*ssed me off so much, but here I was secretly having serious doubts about this being "God's Org" and I was feeling so mentally straightjacketed by my JW involvement. And here's brother never-has-questioned-anything-the-borg-has-told-him telling me that I'm immature, a babe. I went to 1 or 2 meetings after that.
I couldn't, in good conscience, continue to support an organization that destroys family relationships. There are other reasons, but this one is the key to why I left.
Mrs. Shakita
Final straw?....it was more like a roll in the hay for me....lol
In my head, at that time, I assumed Jehovah had lost favour with me, thus gave up.
Same here Razor.....
It's not our fault if us Canadians only have beer and sex to keep us warm during those long winter nights.....and they can be long.....the nights that is....
I prayed long and hard, tears rolling down my face for Jehovah to take this burden away from me. I was already auxiliary pioneering, taking in extra meetings, even extra weekend assemblies. But to no avail, the struggle was intense, and no service, prayer, extra meetings or assemblies could take it away.
Aww Ray! Here you go choking me up at 9:30 in the morning. I'm so sorry you went through that.
My experience: When I was about 18 and auxilary pioneering I met a young "worldly" man that I liked. I went to his house one afternoon and he raped me. I couldn't get rid of the guilt because, of course, I blamed it on myself. My meeting attendance after that was sporatic at best and I proceeded to commit just about every "sin" I could conceive of. When I was 22 I had my son and since I wasn't married I found myself in a JC. Even though I hadn't been attending meetings much for years they wanted to know everything I had been up to. Because I was open and very contrite I was merely reproved. Still, it weighed very heavy on me and I only went to 3 or 4 meetings after that. I had to go through years of depression before I could see the Witness cult for what it truly is. I wish that I could say it's been all smooth sailing from there but there have been a few bumps in the road. It's slowly getting better.