shattered, lost, or squashed dreams

by SpiceItUp 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Thirdson

    I had dreams when I was a JW and the need to fulfill them grew as the failed expectations of the WTS accumulated.

    At the ripe old age of 31 I quit my job in mechanical enigneering, took a huge pay cut, and retrained as a computer programmer. I was amongst the oldest at a software company employing kids straight out of college. At age 35 and after nearly 20 years of dreaming I relocated to the USA and worked as a consulant. Today, I have quite a nice job as a manager in software development with an international manufacturing company. I didn't get to where I am today by chance but rather by pursuing dreams. Keep dreaming and keep on chasing them!


  • asleif_dufansdottir
    While I am approaching 30 its not here for 3 1/2 years.

    (sigh) youngin's...

    Worried that you don't have a clue about being a grownup? OK, I'll let you in on a little secret normally not told to anyone under 35: Nobody has a clue. I kept thinking eventually I'd 'grow up' and be mature and figure it all out. Then I realized nobody knows more than I do. My parents, who I thought, as a child, knew what they were doing and had all the answers, were faking it!

    My husband started college first time at 36 (for those of you for whom math is not a strong suit that's double the age of the typical incoming freshman). He graduated Summa with a 4.0 and is going to start grad school this fall at 41 (and going clear to PhD) in a prestigous program. I'm going into a PhD program, too. My parents think we've lost our minds. We figured out age doesn't matter. Just stop fretting and do what you want and what you love and let the rest figure itself out.

    (You'll recover from the mid-20's angst...we all went thru it )

  • proplog2

    Quit blaming unfulfilled dreams on cults. There is no guarantee that you would be any happier or reached more of your goals before you die if you had never been a JW.

    Your JW dreams are gone. Someday your Non-JW dreams will vanish also.

  • SpiceItUp
    Quit blaming unfulfilled dreams on cults.

    Quit assuming that blame is being placed when it is not.

    Spice of the annoyed when people don't read fully and assume they know what they are talking about class

  • Jessica Rabbit
    Jessica Rabbit

    Thanks Spice.

    I too am a member of the annoyed when people don't read fully and assume they know what they are talking about class.

  • Hamas

    I was raised a JW, so foolishly I have always had an 'everlasting life' on earth type approach.

    When you are a Dubya, the future doesn't concern you because you know that whatever happens you will live forever, If you put trust in the Watchtower. Once you figure out that the Watchtower Isn't God's chosen channel, you really begin to worry about the future, and the life you have left behind.

    Thankfully, we have all seen the light and are starting to make the effort now. I just feel for those that have devoted the best part of their life to the Watchtower and then decide it was all in vain.

    My career ambitions are on the right road, I want to work for that terrible 'Wild Beast', The United Nations ..... or is it ? ( New Light ?!??! )

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