In the spirit of Minimus, as I just caught his thread about getting along with others here, and it posed a seperate question for me that actually came into play for me yesterday. I'm not going to go into detail on that but the question remains nonetheless.
Where do you draw the line at getting along with someone or merely just avoiding confrontation? This comes into play in everyones life. Do you play friendly just to keep the peace or do you always without a doubt stand up for yourself and your beliefs no matter who may get hurt. I think most want to have a nice balanced middle ground but where do you draw the line?
When does standing up for yourself and beliefs infringe on others rights?
when does keeping the peace turn into a cowards way out of not trying to make anyone mad and lead to getting walked on and end up with never taking a stand?
Yes we all know about *tact* but as ex-witnesses do we lean to one extreme or another and why?
Is it something ingrained in us as former cult members or is it something that is bred into us as human nature?
I used to be that person that would go out of my way to make people like me. I got walked on so much I should have been called "matt". Somewhere down the line something clicked for me and I stopped doing that much to the annoyance of "friends" that liked to take advantage. Needless to say they are no longer friends of mine. On the other hand I have turned to be quite blunt and sarcastic at times and have been known to hurt feelings simply because I refuse to sugar coat things and will stand up for myself. I have found myself closer to that middle ground as I learn more about human behavior but I still refuse to get walked on by anyone.
Does it really matter what ground we operate on? Do we either become an arrogant user or a low self-confidence doormat? (makes me think of that office phrase: accept that some days you are the pigeon and other days you are the statue)
Any thoughts on how you approach this, why you do, does it work and how does it make you feel?