About five or six years ago it became apparent that the GB were rattled.
The self image as an invincible, ever advancing fundamentalist, bible-based religion was under threat.
The GB had not realised their financial potential and elevated status which they had hoped for in going all out for a confident hierarchical religion like the Roman Catholic Church which does not try to justify or defend its beliefs. They wanted obedience and loyalty but gave no evidence for deserving to be treated in this manner. Had there been miraculous predictions fulfilled, as the followers were led to believe, the faithful may have remained.
Going off the gold standard of printing and selling literature meant a drop in income. This followed another existential crash: the utter failure of the promise of Armageddon before the end of the generation of 1914. The JW organisation had been proved to be a fraud.The laughable response to this fiasco was, "Yes but you see, when Jesus said "generation" he meant an overlapping generation." And bang go another million true believers.
As the hearts of JWs are no longer confident in the words and propaganda from HQ-- so the contributions must have dried up.Then to make matters worse the child abuse scandals and very heavy fines started and increase in number.
It's natural justice; a cult can only last so long manipulating its followers and keeping them deliberately in the dark. To cap it all the universal availability of the internet has now shone light where no light shone before, as in the world of cults-- thank goodness.
Yep! The GB have gone from being rattled to extremely worried, and now I think they must soon be approaching (as you say Vidiot) the nightmare stage. The ship SS Watchtower is sinking. The GB response, whilst stealthily trying to secure seats for themselves in the life boats, will be solemnly telling the faithful that the last days have actually arrived and they must at all cost increase their efforts in the life-saving preaching work. (But don't look in the direction of Warwick 'cos you are on your own now).