Listener: do you think they are going to force people into street witnessing? Street preaching?
by NotFormer 34 Replies latest jw friends
Yes, absolutely.
I was just researching on Google as to what happened in Quebec in the 1940s as the older brother mentioned it in the same video where the younger brother covered the JW logo on the cart.
Here's what first popped up -
In the mid 1940s, Premier Maurice Duplessis ordered police to arrest Jehovah's Witnesses for distributing their literature. They were charged with seditious libel under the Criminal Code. Quebec courts agreed with this creative interpretation and hundreds of Witnesses were prosecuted.31 Jan 2017 › articles -
It might be fun to be approached by them in town. They can hardly use the cart excuse "I'm not here for a debate" when they approached me first! 😇
Remember, folks, even though they know it’s wrong, they still believe it’s True.
I’ve long suspected that if the WTS was really backed into a corner and its survival was on the line, they’d try something like this as a Hail Mary to provoke the world into some kind of “endgame attack” (as per Freddy Franz’s old Cold War-centric eschatology) in the hopes that God would bail them out with the Big A…
…and if it didn’t work… well…
…authoritarian regimes have always opted to crash-and-burn rather than reform, yield, or concede.
And honestly, I suspect that (even though they’d never say so out loud) if they can’t be “God’s Exclusive Earthly Organization”, they’d rather be nothing.
That's what I was thinking NotFormer.
They will feel attacked from many angles. They'll be worried about the police being called on them for harassment or being a disturbance, then there will be people that just want to be left alone which will result in all sorts of reactions from nasty to frustrated and there will also be those that challenge them.
If they can't get permission to do their preaching in an area and for this type of preaching (there are many places that will required it), will they still do it? From the video on the October broadcast, it appears that they might.
There'll be a lot of court cases and a lot of fines.
It's going to be easy for activists to write into the councils or government bodies that give the permission, to provide multiple reasons as to why they should not.
Ten bucks says that if/when they ever lose their tax-exempt status, they’ll find some New Light or other as a pretext to not bother anymore…
… because I’ve long suspected that the “life-saving” door-to-door work (and more importantly, the record-keeping aspect of it) was really just to create an Autobahn-sized paper trail of “charitable activity” to qualify for tax-exemption, and if that no longer cuts the mustard, then there’s no point continuing it.
Why do I think that?
Because of how readily they were - for all intents and purposes - willing to pull the preaching work to a screeching halt during Covid…
…their tax-exemption may have been at risk if they hadn’t complied with secular authorities’ directives to instruct their people to stay home.
Not to mention how willing they were to show their throat “Satan’s world” and sign up for the CSA redress scheme in Australia when their charity status there was approaching the chopping block a few years back.
Listener: I'm guessing that forcing the R&F back into the public eye by making them appear as obnoxious street preachers would be seen as possibly a positive thing by the GB. There are probably many urban legends of how marvellous life was for the Society back when Joe Rutherford was s***-stirring and getting witnesses thrown in jail. Perhaps this GB, which is presiding over a waning organisation, is hoping to recreate the glory days.
Vidiot: I must say, I was shocked to find out that the WT had stopped the door to door work during the big C. When some witnesses finally came to my door in about March, I basically gave them both barrels about not going door to door.
Me: (approximately remembered conversation) Do you mean to say that your cowardly GB up in Patterson or wherever they are in upstate NY cowtowed and followed a UN mandate to stop the door to door work?? Nothing is more important to you guys than the door to door work!
Lady JW: But we had to; it was a government directive.
Me: You've defied governments before!
Lady JW: Yes, we have. Well, it's been nice talking to you; we really must be moving on!
Beth Sarim
Of course!
I mean,,you're right on every level. I mean what else is always more important besides their tax free system & last but not least....for legal issues.
Vidiot- you're right! Watchtower is all about money and ways of getting and keeping it. It makes sense!
Beth Sarim
The Borganization can hardly afford for everyone to become ""PIMO"" all at once..
That would pretty much seal the Borgs demise with one swift blow to the Borgs temple.
That is the Borgs worst nightmare. Everyone PIMO all at once.
The Borg has to induce more doomsday rhetoric to counteract critical thinking and independence.