Per the June KM, if you just got out of school and are young and decide to get a great paying job, you should feel guilty. And if after you finally can relax a little and enjoy retirement in the last few years of your life, you are expected to pioneer as soon as possible. The articles were designed to produce major GUILT in any that might want to do otherwise. It seems to me that only the dumb ones fall for this crap.
You Should Feel Guilty If You Don't Pioneer Even If You're Retired or Young
by minimus 22 Replies latest jw friends
Can you scan the article? I'd love to read it.
I never read those and usually zone out during the meeting. I will have to check it out.
One of the things the WTS pisses me off about is taking precious time from the young and old, as they suggest with the pioneering. When that young person spends all the time pioneering, and does not get an education to support themselves and their family, who is going to help them out down the road when they need it? No one, especially the WTS.
The WTS is selfish and uncaring. When the elderly person has no money to support themselves because they spent so much time in meetings and field service, who is going to help them out? No one.
I went to a Thursday meeting for the first time in 4 weeks. I did not have a KM but I did listen intently to the talks. An experience was given of a young man that put money first in his life and of course he was just miserable. He later pioneered, married, became a MS and is living happily ever after. The other talk drilled the thought that with all the wisdom and experience an older person has, they would be the perfect candidate to regular pioneer since they have so much time on their hands. Then 2 local examples were given of retirees that doubled or tripled their service time and the results of their blessings.
who is going to help them out down the road when they need it?
Down the road??? Why would they need help down the road when the end is sooooooooo close?
What a bunch of freakin morons............ya right, after screwing someone over for the last 60 years and some guy, who never bothered to pay in to a pension, never bothered to save any money, or get RRSPs, all because he was told NOT to, by a bunch of senile old farts, is suddenly going to waste his golden years preaching gloom and doom to everyone? Sure, what a great way to go out!!
When the elderly person has no money to support themselves because they spent so much time in meetings and field service, who is going to help them out?
I'll tell ya who - the disfellowshipped daughter who did go on to get an education and her "wordly" educated husband. The other children that are still JW's are too busy shepherding and doing quick builds to take care of such trivial things!
If an elderly parent accepts the help of a DF'd child and unbelieving mate perhaps they should be considered disloyal to Jehovah God......I heard a comment by an elder that said, "Why work in this old system of things that's ready to die off? Pioneering is the obvious thing we should do because it saves lives."............. HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hate to admit it, but at one point in my life I actually wished I was of "retirement" age, so that I could devote most of my time to pioneering.
Maybe I still will do some form of full time witnessing in my 2nd career...................
Anti-witnessing on golf courses, ski resorts, and tropical beaches.
Almost guilt free class