What Results When JW's Associate ONLY With Fellow JW's?

by minimus 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • run dont walk
    run dont walk

    you do not live in the reality of planet earth, you basically live in a fantasy world that does not exist, how did all of us ever get stuck in that ??????

    You have no idea about, real sex, real relationships, real jobs, real life !!!!!!!!!!! the good and the bad.

    You have no decision making of your own (should say very limited, they make some decisions)

    As strange as this sounds, the internet could be the downfall of the Watchtower ........

    So much info and experiences at your fingertips, I'm surprised the Watchtower has not said "Internet is Satanic", give them a couple more years.

  • shamus
    A bunch of psychos with no hold on reality.

    Ahmen to that! A cult. Everyone is "Worldy" and horrible. The big problem here is that they're not. I find that many people in the borg are the evil and horrible ones; not the neighbors!

    My next door neighbor is a dud elder, and he's really nice.... one exception to the rule. He always comes over and chats... nice fellow. I think that he sees it too.

  • minimus

    I remember seeing, especially "new ones" on what I like to refer to as a "spiritual high". Their eyes would be glazed and for sure, I thought they thought they were going to heaven. But you see, once you come off of the "high", REALITY hits. Then you realize how your "loving brothers and sisters" may not be so loving after all. Then it all comes crashing down on them.

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