Hello everyone! I am new here and want to tell you about myself - my bio

by Hollywood20 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hollywood20
    Grew up in east LA in a bad neighborhood to a black mother and white father. I never knew my father because he died in a car accident when I was a few weeks old. My mother converted as a JW soon after when two sisters came to her door and offered her comfort, which was something she needed. She later expressed to me that she attempted suicide at the loss of my father and it was the peace of the witnesses that gave her comfort. I respect that.

    I know now that she only wanted the best for me as all mothers do, and guided me to "do more" for Jehovah. I was baptized at 12, totally unaware of the consequences of my actions. During that time, an elder in the hall befriended me and took me under his wing, soon becoming a father figure, that I so needed. It was a "blessing from Jah" as my mother used to say. But this was no blessing. The man who we trusted and I felt was the father I never knew molested me at the age of 13, only a few months after I was baptized. But out of fear, I hid the truth from everyone. This fear kept me from growing into a man and damaged me forever. When I finally got the courage after opening up to a close confidant, I was 17 and he was in the hospital in intensive care nearly dead from liver cancer. In my blind compassion for him, I decided to wait until he was better before I went to the elders about the situation. It was too late. He died a few days later and I felt it best not to say anything, to keep this secret with me until the grave.

    To move on from that, I continued to "do more" and became a servant at 18 (again, unprepared and unaware of what lay ahead). I was constantly bombarded by everyone in my congregation to go to bethel and it started to eat away at my soul. I wasn't sure if this is what I wanted to do my whole life since my musical career as a singer and background dancer was beginning to flourish and opportunity lay ahead while in Cali. My mother became worried when I stopped pursuing the goal of going to bethel as everyone expected of me and told her that I did not want to become an elder, like ever. At that time I already had doubts if this was the truth but little by little I began to see that this was not Jehovah's organization. Hell, it wasn't even Jesus' organization. Changing doctrines every few years when they saw their story made no sense. Placing rules and laws on men like the men Jesus condemned. Using unscriptural teachings like shunning and dis-fellowshipping to keep people from thinking and asking questions. Misquoting scientists, professionals and others to fit their agenda. Even changing verses in the bible to better fit their doctrines and then calling it "better translation" of the original scripture. I knew one thing, and that was I was not going to continue climbing this ladder and I told her like it is. She was so upset.... It broke her heart...

    Then the day came when I had an opportunity to sign a big contract with a huge talent agency in LA. It was something I always wanted and dreamed of and this once in a lifetime opportunity came when I was not expecting it. I decided to take it at the dismay of my mother. She cried for days after she found out about it, as if it was something really bad and evil! For once in my life I felt that something was going right. I tried to reason with her that it would not change the way I feel about Jehovah and that I needed to grab the opportunity while it was there. She did not agree and told me to find my own housing. I didn't move out immediately as I had no money saved up to get an apartment and the money from the contract would also take a while. My mother gave me the cold shoulder and shunned me in her own house. I felt unwelcome.

    At the next meeting, two elders approach me and say they want to talk with me about something after the meeting. They didn't say what only that it was important. I agreed.

    After the meeting, in the back room they sat down and started to talk about my goals. I told them the truth about my musical career and the big contract I was offered and that I would take it. They must have been prepared and knew about it from my mother because they had printouts of all sorts of Awake and WT articles about witnesses who had promising careers in music or sports and gave it all up for Jehovah. I told them I am not leaving the truth, only that I want to take this opportunity while it was still here. They told me that if I chose this "path of Satan" that I could no longer be a servant and possible not be able to go out in service or give parts on the meeting. I was shocked. Just shocked to see these two elders who were close friends of my mother and I, turn into cold & callous monsters. The look on their faces even changed, in the way Stephen Lett looks like an evil old demon in his JW broadcasting. And they were serious.

    That night I prayed to Jehovah and cried my eyes out. Every night for a week I cried my eyes out and asked him for guidance. I swear that my hair began to fall out of my head. The emotional stress was almost too much to take. I even asked my mother to pray with me. She gladly did. But there was nothing. No response. No surprise visit from a random missionary sister who accidentally rings my door bell and has the right words to say to change my mind. No feeling of holy spirit or power from above. No articles that fly open for me to read. It was just me and my thoughts. But I knew how my mother felt and she meant the world to me. She still does. I am a part of my father that she misses. How could I disappoint my mother?

    The next day I went to the offices and told them I could not take the offer. They were shocked. They thought I was joking and waiting to say it was a joke. But I was serious and they knew it. Even the lead agent who is the owner of the agency and a big name in the industry came out and asked if I was taking some sort of mind altering drugs. I didn't answer. I just walked out. I felt sick afterwards. I knew that I gave up the opportunity of my lifetime, to finally get out of this bad neighborhood and make something of my life and make my mother proud.

    Three years later, here I am. Still going to meetings, pretending that I believe I have the truth. I don't know where to go except to find people like me who are forced to stay in this religion but know that this is not Jehovah's organization no matter how many times Anthony Morris and David Splane and Stephen Lett and Co say it is.

    And with that I say hello and nice to meet you all. I hope to find some friends here.
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  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    !@#$%^&*()_+!!!... OH. I had so hoped you had taken the job!

    (Hugs) to you young, misguided friend! I am so sorry this happens to anyone.

    I am speechless with unhappiness for you.


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  • FayeDunaway

    Hello Hollywood.

    Youve got to live your own life. I know you love your mother but this is killing your soul. Get back out there and pursue your goals. You know you have to. You want to feel like this for decades? Throw your dreams away? Get back out there!!

    and welcome.

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  • ToesUp


    Welcome. Wow...what a story.

    I am sorry about what happened to you as a young man. That is so sad.

    You sound like you are literally stuck in this cult.

    My spouse and I are both born ins and decided to leave about 3 years ago (along with our children). We too saw through the hypocrisy and knew this was not Jehovahs organization.

    One of the first things that really bothered me was how they were verbally bashing education. My spouse and I have watched and heard countless stories from older family members who are now in their 60's and 70's. These ones gave up dreams and talents they could have pursued but instead were told that they would never graduate from high school. These ones pioneered, went to Bethel, etc. and now they are struggling financially and some are even working hard menial jobs in their late 60's. Do they harbor resentment? You bet they do. We here them talk about it all the time. I think you are feeling that resentment yourself.

    I guess you have to ask yourself the question, is this "act" of serving Jah worth it. We all have to make our own decisions based on our own circumstances. Myself personally, I can not put on the "act". It's just not part of my personality. I'm a all or nothing type. I have asked myself the question, can I walk away from everything and everyone that I have know all my life. My answer is...yes. In my opinion, I would rather be true to myself and have that freedom. The freedom is wonderful. But my circumstances are different than others. I have a supportive spouse who left with me. The sad part is that we shouldn't have to make that decision. No one should! This is a captive organization that holds people hostage. It infuriates me.

    Keep posting on here, it does help to read and hear other peoples experiences. It's kinda like a therapy.

    Keep us posted on your progress or if you just want to chat. There are some terrific people here who feel exactly the way you do. Hugs to you!

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  • macys

    Awwwww hollywood I literally can not stop crying!!! And I am in school so this is not good!!!!

    But your story hits close to home. I almost gave up a full paid scholarship at a top school for this cult but I decided to live my own life.... and YOU DO TOO!

    Live your life! Do not live it for your mother. Do not live it for your friends or family. Do it for yourself!

    And please I beg you to take that whole congregation of shitty hypocrites to the court and sue their lying pedophile asses!! Take them for all it is worth!! And please get your singing dancing ass back to that talent agency and tell them you were under the influence of a brainwashing cult and warn them to stay away from this cult.

    BTW You are so welcome here. I am new here myself but I already feel welcome and so will you. Look up and be happy because I think that this cult is going to get chopped in half soon and then fade away into nothing over the next 10 years. It is just my feeling but it looks like the internet is really helping people learn TTATT.

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  • WingCommander
    3 years ago you say? Gather yourself up, go back to that talent agency and musical figure, and tell them what happened. Tell them you are a victim of being born into a highly controlling CULT, and that 3 years ago you didn't have the strength to pull yourself out of it. Then, beg their forgiveness and ask them if they'd consider giving you a second chance. If you were any good at all, they will do so. Then pack your bags, and get on with your life. Get busy living, or get busy dying. The choice is YOURS. Do it right now, and don't look back. If you don't, you'll always be looking back thinking, "What if?"
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  • Gayle

    Any way, you could check again with the agency or another one? You have to pursue what you love and especially you have a strong gift. You are young yet. The WT org will eat you alive, your spirit and soul. Be prepared to have to leave your mom to her choices. You obviously love her. But you must love yourself too.

    I am a grandma now, have 5 grown children, all put themselves through college. I am glad they have freedom of their mind and heart and have fulfilling lives. Moms cannot ask for anything more.

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  • DNCall

    Hi Hollywood, and welcome. It has been my experience and also my observation as a musician, that if you suppress your gifts it never fails to hurt you at some point. For the most part, I have stayed active in the music business, even during the 50 years that I was a JW. Like the others, I would suggest you try to salvage the opportunity you had several years ago if that is possible. You describe it as a "once in a lifetime opportunity." Maybe it was. But don't let it be your only opportunity. I recently heard a saying that struck me as being so true: "Successful people have had many more failures than less successful people." Both in my life and in the lives of people I have known who have been famously successful, this has been the case.

    I live not far from you. If I can be of any encouragement along these lines, please private message me.

    Wishing you all the best.

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  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Hollywood, that's one of the saddest stories I've heard yet, especially because you know this Org has nothing to do with God or Christ - it's all about money!

    These cult members don't want anyone to succeed while they have to grovel for a living.

    Click on the Search button and type in "fade" or "fading", because you need to learn how to change your life now and prepare to take care of your mom when she needs you to do so. You can do it - with the help of many here who are doing the same thing. Your mom will thank you one day for being wise, courageous, and loving.

    I wish you peace and success.

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  • Crazyguy
    I would like to share your story with my son, but you must continue and tell us what your life has been in the years since you turned down your dreams.
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