Hello everyone! I am new here and want to tell you about myself - my bio

by Hollywood20 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hoffnung
    Welcome. You paid already high prices to keep up an image of you that you are not. Your true self will win, sooner or later. Up to you to decide whether you shape the circumstances, or let it happen by others. Obviously the 2nd option is far more painful for all involved. And it might be late pursue your dreams when it comes. So think ahead, slowly withdraw yourselves without raising suspicions, and nobody will put so much efforts into stopping you as they did 1st time. Grow to independence, reduce your activity in the congo, and absorb yourselves into other wholesome activities (sports, hobby's, music...)
  • John Free
    John Free

    Well hello to you! And thanks for telling your story!

    Its so sad that pressure and guilt were used to stop you doing what you wanted to do with your life. There are many on this site that are bearing the consequences of being raised in this group, intelligent people with such potential washing windows etc. The fact is that the sooner you can find the courage to get out the better! It is a matter of courage for you now that you know it is not the truth. I also had to cause my indoctrinated mother heartbreak and that is not something any man wants to do, nevertheless it is unavoidable.

    Best wishes to you!

  • freemindfade
  • Illuminated

    Hi Hollywood, welcome to this forum.

    Please continue posting here, expressing and letting it all out. I am very sorry for the pain and suffering you've endured. It wasn't your fault.

    You're blessed in that you're awake. Embrace your soul and use your gifts, don't let them take away your power any more as they've already have in numerous ways.

    An opportunity with an agency may have passed by, but there's more than one agency in the world, and numerous in Los Angeles. There is only one of you and your gifts to share with the world. Get out there and express what your soul craves.

    You and your mother have two separate life paths. Don't kill yourself slowly by trying to force yourself into her life path, and don't feel guilty for walking away from her path either. It isn't yours.

  • Sofia Lose
    Sofia Lose

    Can you revive your musical career somehow?

    I am sorry you got blackmailed like this.

    Welcome to this board.


  • freddo

    I understand you wanting to look after your mum (mom to you americans!) but you can send her a cheque (check to you americans) every so often when you make big!

  • tragical
    Welcome Hollywood! Just be yourself and never forget where you came from. You'll be ok.
  • krejames

    Hey Hollywood, so sorry to read your story. But remember it ain't over until the fat lady sings.

    As for living your life the way your mother wants you to, Oscar Wilde once said "selfishness is not living life the way we please, but expecting others to live their lives the way we please".

    Live your life be free. Don't deprive the world of your talent. Any musician will tell you, music isn't what you do, it's who you are. Don't wait until it's too late, like I did.

  • cofty


    What Wing Commander said - tough but true

  • sparrowdown

    Hooray for Hollywood! You're awake.

    It's never too late to start living your own life.

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