WMD Material Seized !!! Bad, Bad News !!!

by Amazing 19 Replies latest social current

  • Amazing

    Today in Thailand a man was arrested by authorities there for attempting to sell radioactive material to an undercover officer. He had a fairly large amount of Cesium 137 ... some really cool stuff.

    When I worked in the Nuke industry, Cesium 137 was a waste by-product contained in many of the Tank farms at Hanford. Exposure to it can kill you. So, I am curious as to how this guy that was arrested managed to handle the material.

    Cesium can be used to make dirty bombs. These are conventional bombs containing radioactive material like Cesium or Strontium that spead contamination around. They do not, however, explode with the huge force that a nuclear detonation does.

    The issue here is not that the WMD material was found in Thailand, a couple of thousand miles from Iraq ... BUT ... the issue is how this bloke in Thailand managed to get the material in the first place? Who did he buy it from, and ultimately where is the source of origination for this material? If it is that easy to obtain, then WE can BET our lives that it is now everywhere on this planet.

    I am seriously concerned that possibly Saddam Hussein spread this stuff around once the US was about to invade Iraq. He makes the US and UK look bad by disposing of this material ... and then little idiots all over the world have it, and can use it to terrorize the general public in many countries.

    All I can say is, Oh Shit !!! This IS bad. I mean it ... now that this crap is hitting the streets, it is very seriously bad Ju-Ju. We are in for some bad times. - Jim W.

    Ref. Cesium 137 Info: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/53800/777113/edit.ashx

  • Shakita

    They say the amount seized was about the amount released into the atmosphere at Chernobyl.

    I say give radiation/thyroid pills to everyone in the USA, just in case. Seems like the probability of more of this stuff being in the wrong hands is VERY high.

    Not good news indeed.

    Mrs. Shakita

  • DanTheMan

    I don't think humans are going to make it through the 21st century. At least not in great numbers. But, everybody who has ever lived who is not alive now has died from something or another. Maybe 500 years from now we'll have a more stable human society, but not before some devastating setbacks, of which you and I may end up a casualty. *sigh*

  • Hamas

    Get real, man

    Don't scare yourself over stories that have been around for years.

    Ever heard of the Jolly Roger cookbook? Or the Anarchy book ? Been around for years , my friend. So have these materials.

  • Shakita


    Sure the materials have been around for years, under the supervision of the countries that had them.

    The authorities say this recent seizure can probably be traced back to Russia. How much other WMD material has made its way out of that country to find its way into the hands of terrorists? We may never know.

    The authorities have notified the media of this seizure to show how the war on terrorism is being fought and making headway. Is it scary...? if you have half a brain, it should be.

    Mrs. Shakita

  • Hamas

    No its not scary in the least. Why should it scare us?

    The War on terrorism ? It shall never end. These materials have, will and continue to be leaked to those that want them. A so - called War on terrorism won't stop it ; and if you have half a brain, you will understand that.

  • Shakita

    It seems like you have a chip on your shoulder. I didn't say you had half a brain, I am sorry if you read it that way.

    Mrs. Shakita

  • Amazing

    Good points Mrs. Shakita,

    You are correct, Russia is the main source of most material that has moved around the world. Their total control of radioactive material was compromised when the Soviet Union broke up. Much of the material ended up in the hands of Kazakhstan where much of their nuclear program was carried out. Kazakstan is mostly an Islamic nation. So, this has proven to be a serious leak. I understand that they supplied unranium and plutonium to Iraq through the back door. It is from these materials that Cesium 137 is derived as a by-product. So the closer immediate source of today's catch could still be Iraq or Iran. [The media mispronounces the word Cesium. It should be pronounced: Sieze-ium.]

    What Hamas fails to understand is how serious this is. I have not felt this concerned since the days of the Chernobyl accident. While most anti-nuke issues are overblown by their activists, and our nuclear plants are safe ... this issue with a guy in the street selling Cessium 137 like it was a little bag of Coke is extremely alarming. - Jim W.

  • drwtsn32

    Amazing, did you work at Hanford? Me too, although not in work related to waste cleanup. I still live in the area.

  • Amazing

    Hi Drwtsn32:

    Yes, I worked at Hanford and in the nuclear industry for many years as an electrical engineer. I first worked at the 300 area in research & development. Then I worked at FFTF during the construction phase. I worked at Hanford 2 (WNP-2) during both construction phase and operations (Sadly I missed initial start-up). I also worked at 200 West where the tank farms are ... I designed some of the alarm systems used to detect leaks. Also, the 200 West building is where one of the nuclear bombs was built that was dropped on Japan. This was my career for 25 years.

    I was also a JW the first time I lived in Richland. We may know some of the same people. Email me at [email protected]. My real name is Jim Whitney.

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