WMD Material Seized !!! Bad, Bad News !!!

by Amazing 19 Replies latest social current

  • Hamas


    Sorry, I didn't mean to say it like that either.

    I think we both got things a bit wrong back there.

    Amazing, I do understand how serious this is, to some people. But, like I said, it has been going on for years.

  • Amazing


    Yes, I agree, dirty materials have been moving around for years and it has been an ongoing problem. What changed today is that we see for the first time an average bloke on the street selling this stuff like it was nose candy. To date, though, there is no example of a dirty bomb being set off, so that phase has NOT been around for years. I suspect because the radioactive materials were still somewhat contained to a few groups ...

    ... But now, with this arrest, it is clear that this material is on the streets ... this means that anyone with a chip on their shoulder can cause serious harm anywhere. Up until now we were looking for Al Qaeda operatives who might have such material ... now, I am afraid, that it is a far worse situation that will result in some dirty bombs being used in the future by brain-dead idiots. - Jim W.

  • plmkrzy

    It only makes sense that Saddam would find a way to export anything that deadly out of his area and into the area he is at war with. It isn't like it was all that hard to do before 9/11.

    He has proven to be far from stupid as well as power hungry at any cost other then self-sacrifice.

    Can't see Saddam strapping on a belt full of explosives and running into a market place for Allah.

    I think this is a world wide chess game being played out by many governments and a large percentage of "ALL" citizens worldwide are focusing on what is being fed through the media.

    Saddam is a ruthless man who has shown how little he values all life other then his own. He has used the larger governments to his advantage. Russia supplied him with material for weapons and the US supplied him with soldiers trained to be human pit bulls.

    He probably even played Osama to his advantage. Why else was he funding him? Osama never struck me as much more then a spoiled icon that ran away to be a freedom fighter leader. Who knows what has gone on between all of these "arm-chair warriors" It SHOULD be only too obvious they haven't been just hanging around minding their own business having Saturday afternoon bar-b-q's and taking their kids to soccer practice.

    If the US becomes radioactive we can forget about being obsessed with our good looks.

  • Satanus

    Hi amazing

    As was stated, the source for this stuff was likely russia. But fear has made you type the word of the day in your thread, as if it must be connected to this nuclear material, or any free roaming nuclear material. Understandable, i suppose, given the current climate of fear, but perhaps also enflamed by too much tv watching.

    This is not an effort on my part to play down the danger of some group of idiots making a bomb.


  • DannyBear

    There is reason now more than ever to be VERY CONCERNED.

    I grew up in the 50's and 60's so vividly remember the 'bomb' drills, 'duck and cover', the intense fear during those times of nuclear attack. It was so palpable that people everywhere were building bomb shelters in thier back yards.

    I truly believe because of the current terrorist threat, the likelyhood of a nuclear attack is a far greater possiblity today than it was back in then. When was the last time you heard an 'air raid' siren test?

    We need 'air raid' siren tests now more than ever, bio chem warfare a far greater threat than any armada of bomb laden aircraft.

    That is why I truly believe that Bush's war on terror, is the only practical answer to thwarting or slowing down the eventuality of attack. I hope he never back down....and escalates the effort.


  • Amazing

    Hi SS,

    I am not sure what your point is. I am not given to radical fear. I tend to be very moderate in a professional sense when it comes to nuclear materials ... as I worked in that business for 25 years. See my mini-work history at Hanford to Drwtsn32 above.

    TV viewing does not change the fact that a man in the street was arrested for trying to sell a large supply of Cesium 137. Because a fact is learned on TV does not automatically make it fear-mongering, nor does TV viewing automatically discredit the information. The information is just a plain fact. But the fact is very glaring and disturbing.

    I did not say that Saddam is THE source. He could be the source of the by-product. Russia would not simply ship around Cesium to some street guy in Thailand. rather it was likely secretly sold off, and passed through many hands. Or, the other source is that Russia sold base Plutonium or Uranium to Iraq or Iran, from which Cesium is a refinement by-product. This by-product could have been stolen when the USA invaded Iraq, or it was shipped out by Saddam to hide the WMD evidence.

    Whatever the case ... it is now in the hands of street guys ... and that is my main point. - Jim W.

  • DannyBear


    *** It only makes sense that Saddam would find a way to export anything that deadly out of his area and into the area he is at war with. It isn't like it was all that hard to do before 9/11.

    He has proven to be far from stupid as well as power hungry at any cost other then self-sacrifice.

    Can't see Saddam strapping on a belt full of explosives and running into a market place for Allah.***

    Excellent. Just common sense........unfortunately a small minority of bleeding heart liberals want to argue the opposite.


  • Satanus


    Wheather you got my point or not, you rebutted it. I'll leave it at that.

    SS 'outside the sandbox' observer

  • drwtsn32

    Homer: "Marge, it's pronounced NUKE-yoo-ler."

  • proplog2

    Maybe its time for some 60 year old american pilot with terminal prostate cancer to hijack an Egyptian Jet and slam it into Mecca.

    There is no end to terrorism.

    The Chechens told the Russians that the only part of Chechnya they can occupy is the ground under their feet.

    Amercians are experiencing the same thing in Iraq.

    Humans are doomed if help doesn't come from the sky.

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