Funny Marine saying

by SheilaM 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • bigboi

    BigBoi: I never have had anyone say that. In fact all the kids that were at the MEPS station that were going Army, Navy was awed that anyone would want to be a Marine. They have 13 weeks of Hell. "The Army recruiter said you men are in for some hicking and some walking these men are in for 13 weeks of HELL."
    Well I have heard a lot of military guys say that Marines are assholes. I'm not saying that I agree, most of the Marines I've met and worked with have been cool upstanding guys. For some reason they come across to some other members of the Armed Forces as assholish. Not to say there shouldn't be a certain level of respect for what they do. However, like all gov. employees it's their chosen occupation and I certainly won't venerate them for their choice of career.

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