Ok fair is fair.
What about these from the ladies side:
"Look but don't touch"
Yeah....go ahead and leer, fantasize to your hearts content......no she is simply letting you know you have been caught, despite the mirrored sunglasses.
"Whatever you decide is fine with me"
Uh Huh....a sure sign that she is through discussing it, if you choose to do anything other than what she wants your dead meat.
"Can we talk"
The three most feared words a woman can utter to her man. These three words conjure up more fear in a man's mind than almost anyothers.
We men know that our ass is on the line for something or other.
"Honey I have a favor to ask"
Get ready to put your work clothes on, change your hairstyle, buy new clothes, travel to her mothers, or worse yet open your home and wallet to some needy relative.
"Never mind I really didn't...........you insert the appropriate phrase.
Mind, mind, mind you better do what your told silly bastard!
There are more, but Iam already depressed.